8- Home

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The next day, Mrs. Kim greeted Yoongi with much more enthusiasm. The teenager only smiled and bowed in return.

"Take care of Jungkook," She said before she left through the front door.

Yoongi climbed up the stairs, looking for the two boys. He checked Jungkook's room first, surprised to see the boy alone and on his phone.

"Jungkook-ah," Yoongi called out. The younger male looked at him with wide surprised eyes. "How's your injury?"

"You didn't quit?"

Yoongi's eyebrows quirked in confusion. "What? Quit? Why?"

"Uhhh, nothing," Jungkook said once he realized he and Taehyung had been wrong. They did go back to their rooms before they heard Yoongi's answer. He felt kinda stupid for that. "My butt feels great, thanks for asking."

"That sounds weird," Yoongi remarked. "I'm just gonna go... Check on Taehyung."

The elder went Taehyung's room, only to find the 17 year old sitting on the floor. Cans of paint surrounded him, and a canvas stood in front of him. Taehyung was working on a piece, didn't even notice his door opening.

"I didn't know you paint," Yoongi said out loud. Taehyung turned to him, startled and confused. He stood up.

"What are you doing here?" the boy glared at Yoongi, a pout on his lips. His voice was laced with caution and uncertainty that Yoongi doesn't know the reason for.

"Am I not allowed here...?"

"I thought you left," Taehyung crossed his arms. He wouldn't meet Yoongi's eyes.

"Why are you both saying that? I didn't," Yoongi said exasperatedly, waving his hand in emphasis.

"I heard you and mom talking last night," Taehyung rubbed his arms. Yoongi recognized it as a gesture done out of insecurity, something that he does a lot.

"Oh," He said, and it finally clicked to him. They must've heard his conversation with Mrs. Kim.

"No thanks, ma'am. I can handle the job just fine, I'll make sure this won't happen again."

Mrs. Kim sighed in relief. "That's nice to hear. Most people doesn't last more than a day with these two, I'm glad you're different."

He went home deep in thought after that. He somehow felt bad for the boys because from what Mrs. Kim told him, they've been given up on by a lot of people. They're not the easiest to tolerate, but Yoongi wouldn't go as far as saying they're impossible to handle. They're just... Lacking in discipline, and quite difficult to get through with.

Hearing the insecurity in Taehyung's voice just proved to him that being constantly gave up on left an impact to him that ran much deeper than they thought.

"I don't start things and then end them halfway. Besides, it's just my fourth day today," Yoongi tried to smile at the boy sending him suspicious glares. "I don't think I'll be leaving any time soon. Dunno if that's a good thing for you or not."

Taehyung cautiously met his gaze. His eyes were glaring, but it lacked spite. Instead, they were calculating, searching Yoongi's face for sincerity. It seemed like he found what he was looking for when his frown turned into a boxy smile that Yoongi has never seen before. It felt weird having the younger look at him so much enthusiasm, but he guessed he could get used to it.

"Nice," Taehyung then pointed at his canvas. "I'm painting the sky from last night. The stars were really visible and it's cool."

Yoongi sat on the boy's bed and watched him mix different shades of blue on his palette. Taehyung told him a lot of things about painting and Vincent Van Gogh for the rest of the time until lunch.


The entire day was spent watching over Jungkook and making sure he wasn't doing anything funny. Not that he can, since he's partially immobilized by his injury. His state improved so much more from yesterday; he could move better now, though, it still hurt to sit down and stand up since he'll be using the muscles on his buttocks to support his weight. It's not bad enough to require crutches so Jungkook just have to power through it.

It's not really that bad. Limping isn't really that bad. At least, that was what Jungkook tried to convince himself.

Yoongi sat on the chair in one corner of the game room, watching as Jungkook limped from one end of the room to the other. The doctor had told him he should do very light exercise with his limbs. He also said to do that around two days after the injury was sustained. Yoongi tried to convince the younger to just rest but Jungkook insisted that he already felt fine.

Eventually, Taehyung perked up from his seat on the floor. He was playing some type of FPS game that Yoongi didn't know the name of.

"Hey, why don't we walk around outside?" the brunette suggested.

Yoongi shrugged at him. "It's too sunny out."

"So? We can bring umbrellas."

Jungkook waved a hand dismissively. "Too tiring."

Taehyung rolled his eyes. "Y'all are no fun."

And so, the entire day was wasted away inside the mansion. Game room, to be exact. Jungkook eventually laid down to take a rest, and let Yoongi place a cold compress on his buttocks. It was a particularly uneventful day, and Yoongi was thankful. He made sure to always be in the same room the other two is in despite them protesting at some point. Yoongi had told them he's just going to mind his own business in the corner, so they can pretend that he wasn't even there. He would just occasionally glance at them, sometimes catch them looking back at him and whispering amongst themselves. Yoongi made sure that they saw him roll his eyes at their childish antics.


The next day had been quite the same, except they decided to give Yoongi the tour of the house that they didn't give him the first day. Jungkook was walking slower than usual but Yoongi found it convenient for taking in the place as Taehyung pointed out places to him.

"This is the dance studio," the brunette pointed to the room with a lot of mirrors inside. The youngest had stared at the studio with longing. "We like dancing so we hang out in there sometimes, doing choreography or practicing our walks and poses."

Yoongi nodded along. "I had a friend that danced before. We used to go to the studio in school so he could practice."

"Used to? He doesn't dance anymore?"

"Nope, we're not friends anymore." Yoongi's brows were furrowed in thought.

Taehyung awkwardly averted his gaze somewhere else. "Oh okay. Ummm... Let's move on."

At some point, they walked past the gym inside the mansion. Yoongi questioned why they leave the house for the gym if there was already one there.

"Taehyung-hyung likes trying to impress people with his non-existent muscles." Jungkook had said to which Taehyung glared at him at.

The 'tour' took them almost two hours to complete, and they ended up hanging out at the rooftop. There were hammocks up there, and a mini garden as well. Yoongi watched the boys water the plants, which were apparently Mrs. Kim's so they were careful not to fuck it up. He eventually drifted off to sleep in one of the hammocks.


A/N: home because... they stayed at home. this is basically a filler chapter sorry i couldnt think of anything hhhh

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