18- Dazed and Confused

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School time was approaching, and fast. Yoongi fell asleep the previous night peacefully then woke up to an email from his previous school about the start of the next semester in a little more than two weeks.

Two fucking weeks.

The entire day was written off bad after that one email. The fact that he's already 3 days into the current week didn't make him feel any better.

Taehyung stilled moped about not being allowed to watch him. Jungkook was stubborn as ever, it reminded him of the Jungkook he met about a month ago.

"Hyung, please–"

"Oh my god, Taehyung!" Yoongi fell back onto the bed with a groan. The younger male looked down at his hyung with a pout. "I told you, you can't!"

The brunette crawled onto the elder's bed, eyes pleading. "Come on, hyung, please!" He proceeded to tackle the elder into a hug and buried his face onto his chest. Yoongi struggled in his grasp.

"Let go, you–"

"Please, just this once! I swear I'll be good! Mom doesn't have to know, we'll hide it and–"

Yoongi pushed him with a groan, but he paused when he saw Jungkook standing by the door, eyes wide.

"What are you two doing?"

The suspicion in his tone confused Yoongi at first, then he realized what it may have looked like. He was about to defend himself but the koala wrapped around him beat him to it.

"Persuading hyung." Taehyung pushed himself up so he was hovering over the elder's torso. It looked even way more off to the new comer.

"Persuading to what?" Jungkook narrowed his eyes comically.

"To let us see him perform, duh!"

"Jungkook, I don't like that look, what are you thinking–"

The youngest still didn't seem convinced but he slowly slinked to the couch. Taehyung rolled his eyes before going to his cousin. He wound his arms around Jungkook's neck, almost strangling him. "Kookie! We need to see him on stage, you understand?!"

Yoongi decided to ignore their antics even as Jungkook sputtered and dramatically gasped for breath. He went back to his phone, aimlessly scrolling.

His day off has passed again, he met up with Seokjin and Namjoon the other day. The latter proceeded to tell him the details of when they were going to the club, which was a good 30 minute ride from Yoongi's house. They swore to secrecy, especially to Taehyung and Jungkook, since Yoongi didn't want to lose his job. He just knew they would try to sneak in. Though they shouldn't be his responsibility by then (considering it's at night) they're still gonna go there because of him. He would still feel partly responsible. Mrs. Kim might just drop him if ever.

And so, Yoongi patiently waited for the next thursday to roll in. He practiced within the privacy of his own room, hoping he would do just as good if not better at the actual date.

Oddly enough, the two stopped asking around two days later. Yoongi was suspicious but he figured they finally learned to respect his decisions. It was for their own good anyway.


Taehyung greeted his mom before he and Jungkook went to send Yoongi off. They bid him goodbye, bid Mrs. Kim good night, then went to Taehyung's room where they opened up their laptop. It was just friday night, and Yoongi's gig would be in just 6 days. They were getting excited.

How did they acquire the information, you ask? It was easy. With a business woman as his mom, Taehyung had learned a few things from her when it comes to building connections and getting your way. A little bribery never hurt anybody. 

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