23- Psycho

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"What are you two doing here?!" The older male asked incredulously, eyes wide and frantic.

"Uh," Jungkook fidgeted in his seat, not looking Yoongi in the eye. His initial thought of wanting Yoongi to see them suddenly vanished, replaced with nervousness when he realized they don't have an excuse. He leaned against the counter, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.

Taehyung, on the other hand, frowned and turned away.

"Seriously, what are you two doing here? You should be at home, sleeping," Yoongi hissed going close enough for them to hear. Taehyung glared at him over his shoulder and spun around to face him.

"Sleeping? Stop treating us like children, hyung, we're not kids anymore," he said bitterly. He took his glass and downed it in one go, grimacing when it burned his throat. It just irked him, for some reason, how Yoongi treats them like children way too much. Had it been in other scenarios and Yoongi is actually taking care of them, Taehyung would've liked being babied by the elder, but in this case he just feels inferior. Like people look down on him for it, for being young.

"You're underage, it's literally what you are," Yoongi grabbed both of their wrists and proceeded to pull them from the bar. Jungkook hastily put down his glass as he got down from the bar stool.

"No!" Taehyung exclaimed, pulling his arm back. He stood his place even as Yoongi tried to pull him forward. The elder felt frustrated at the younger's resistance, seeing only fierce defiance in Taehyung's eyes.

The latter looked angry, for reasons that Yoongi does not understand. Did he do anything? No, not that he can remember.

Taehyung tugged his wrist back and crossed his arms. He does not want listen to him, because who is he anyway? He's not their parent, they're not his responsibility, at least not in this setting.

What are we to you?

They're not anything to him.

Taehyung scoffed at the thought. He turned his back towards them and faced the bar stubbornly.

"What's gotten into you?" Yoongi glared at him, grip tightening around Jungkook's wrist. "We need to leave, now."

"I'm not leaving," Taehyung retorted, still not sparing them a glance.

Now, Yoongi hates attitude. Taehyung being unreasonably stubborn is getting on his nerves. He was supposed to enjoy this night, maybe spend it in Seulgi's house, or crash at Seokjin's place, but then Seulgi pointed them to him and suddenly all his plans were thrown out of the window.

"Kim fucking Taehyung, we're going home this instant!"

Jungkook winced at Yoongi's voice that made a few heads turn towards them. The elder was seething, he could feel it from the way Yoongi's hands shook as it tightly clutched his wrist.

The younger brunette pried the elder's hand off before he went to Taehyung's side, whispering; "Hyung, let's just go."

One look at Taehyung's face, Jungkook could already see the struggle. He was fighting with his pride that refused to let him off of the bar stool. Jungkook knew how stubborn his cousin is, he'd seen this countless times before. He simply grabbed his arm and pulled him away.

Taehyung eventually relented, and they followed Yoongi out of the club. They passed by Seokjin and Namjoon who immediately scurried off upon seeing Yoongi stalking towards them, eyes furious with the two boys in tow. They knew Yoongi's gonna have their heads right after this.

Once they stepped outside, Jungkook felt like he could finally breathe. The cold night breeze was a breath of fresh air from the stuffy inside of the club. Jungkook didn't have the time to appreciate it because Yoongi had already walked far ahead, obviously upset. The mere thought of it made Jungkook's chest hurt with guilt. He knew this was gonna happen.

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