3- Uptown Funk

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"M-Mrs. Kim," Yoongi wasn't able to stop himself from asking. "Y-You said I was supposed to... B-Babysit?"

"Yes," Mrs. Kim went to pinch one of the guy's cheek. "They're my babies!"

"Mom, stop, you're embarrassing me," the guy flushed as he rubbed his cheek. His voice was deep and rich, Yoongi didn't expect it from someone with such a cute baby face. He almost had whiplash.

The other boy laughed, before his cheeks were pinched as well. They had a little banter between the three of them and Yoongi just kind of... zoned out.

I'm screwed, I'm so fucking screwed.

Oh my god, they look so good, how the fuck-

I'm so gay, fuck.

"Yoongi," Mrs. Kim's voice snapped him out of his reverie. The mentioned boy looked up at the soft spoken woman. "Meet my boys. This is Taehyung-" she pointed at his son, "-and this is Jungkook," she then pointed at the other boy.

Yoongi stood up and bowed, which the other two returned but were much more... slow. There had been a slight change in their demeanor compared to when they first stepped into the living room. They stared at Yoongi with gazes that he didn't dare meet.

"Sit down, boys."

When the two of them walked over to sit on either side of Mrs. Kim, Yoongi realized how Taehyung was taller than him for a bit. Jungkook was just around the same height as him.

They had such baby faces and curious eyes that Yoongi understood why Mrs. Kim would refer to them as her babies.

The four of them had a small talk about the rules and the supposed schedule of eating they were supposed to follow.

Turns out, both were in diets for their modelling careers. The maids will serve the food depending on their diet, but Yoongi is the one to remind them to eat. They're also supposed to go to the gym everyday starting tomorrow, for a few hours, and Yoongi's supposed to go with them wherever, whenever they ask.

The more Mrs. Kim talked, the more Yoongi was tempted to back out.

But he had half a week to do that.

I didn't know all these rules then, but I do now.

He felt so torn. He doesn't want to appear mean or ungrateful or anything like that, but there's no way he can actually do all that they were asking of him.



Mrs. Kim eventually had to go to work, and that left the three of them in the living room. The maid left as well to bring Mrs. Kim's things.

The awkwardness was so palpable, Yoongi could cut it with a knife.

Both boys were looking at him with expectant looks as if they were waiting for him to say something.

Yoongi didn't know what to do so he stayed quiet, and waited for them to talk. It was almost painful to sit through it. He was really starting to regret his decisions. His mom was right, he makes shitty decisions when it comes to jobs.

"Aren't you gonna introduce yourself?" A deep voice resounded in the living room. Yoongi felt himself tense up.

"Excuse me?" He looks at Taehyung who peered at him with an unreadable look in his eyes.

"He said, aren't you gonna introduce yourself?" Jungkook piped in. Yoongi didn't quite like the tone in his voice.

"Well," Yoongi heaved a deep breath. "I'm Min Yoongi, 19. I'm a music major. That's about it."

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