32- Who

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Taehyung and Jungkook waited patiently in the first floor living room. And by patiently, it meant pacing around the room and pestering Jimin with ten messages every minute that was passing. The large clock ticked silently in the background. Eight forty two, it read. Mrs. Kim sat on one of the couches, constantly looking at one of the boys in concern whenever she catches them doing questionable stuff from her periphery.

Taehyung paced by the window, fingers twirling the long golden ropes of the curtains. He seemed to be calling someone, occasionally grunting in frustration either because the person wouldn't answer, or because the ropes would get stuck in knots around his hand. Sometimes, it's both.

Jungkook, on the other hand, laid on the couch upside down. He entertained himself with the tiny pebbles from the decoration on the center table, throwing them into the large vase next to the couch.

They were making quite a mess, which Mrs. Kim did not appreciate, but after a few failed attempts of getting them to behave, she gave up and sighed in defeat. The woman had been waiting patiently since then, a resigned look on her face as her son and nephew destroyed the peace and order in the living room.

She has not met the substitute Taehyung and Jungkook had picked for themselves, nor have they talked about him and how qualified he is for the job —which shouldn't require much—but Mrs. Kim is a woman of standards, who will gladly run the extra mile of doing character assessments and background check if it meant ensuring that her children are in good hands. The only exception from this so far would be Yoongi, who's way younger than what Mrs. Kim normally hired, because he was recommended by Mrs. Min herself. Mrs. Kim had been the one to propose the job, and from Mrs. Min's description of her son, he seemed fit enough for the job. The fact that it's just over the summer and that they're only a street away is reassuring. Sure, Yoongi had some slip ups here and there, but he's young and humble, and seems honest enough. He is taking the job seriously and it's all she could ask for from someone as young as him.

Unlike Yoongi, Mrs. Kim has no way of telling how much she can trust this new person, but the boys had asked her to trust them on this one.

Despite having valid reasons to doubt their words—a lot of reasons and anecdotes—this is the first time they volunteered to pick someone, instead of outright declining and throwing a tantrum about the whole thing; so she considered it, and eventually let them do as they pleased. Mrs. Kim is aware of how the set-up always made them feel smothered and cornered, to some degree, but she would rather have that than leave them unsupervised when she's not around to keep an eye on them, to make sure they're not in harm's way; not injured, not scared. To make sure they are safe, in their own home.

Besides, it was really hard to say no when the boys were trying to compromise, in lieu of throwing a fit.

Relief flooded Mrs. Kim's system when the supposed substitute finally arrived. The guy looked about the same age as Yoongi— difference being that he exuded a warm, confident aura, whereas Yoongi was more closed off but polite when Mrs. Kim had first met him.

The new face had introduced himself as Jung Hoseok, 18 years old and a performing arts student. Apparently he was recommended by Jimin, who happened to be very close with him. The red head tagged along and greeted them all with a bubbly cheer the moment he stepped into the threshold. Mrs. Kim had smiled at the boy's familiar antics, having known him as Taehyung and Jungkook's friend for years now. That's one reason to trust this Hoseok, she thought to herself.

The interrogation, as Taehyung would like to call it, lasted merely a few minutes—with basic questions like where does he live and does his schedule allow him to squeeze in enough time for the boys— but it was enough for Mrs. Kim to give the final verdict. Hoseok had looked quite nervous, in contrast to the exuberant way he carried himself when he arrived, but it was cancelled out by his sunny disposition.

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