30- Boy Meets Evil

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"Oh fuck, hyung, it's monday."


"I'm not ready, shit, I don't wanna go to school."


"New teachers mean new introductions, I'm so tired of this bullshit! It's so dumb! It's not like they're gonna remember us from one introduction, not like they're gonna remember us at all! The fuck... Hyung, are you even listening?"


"Yeah, try harder. I hate you."

"Yoongi-yah," Seokjin yawned into the receiver. "You run over the same script every time a new semester starts. Don't you ever get tired?"

"No, the hell? I ain't gonna shut up until they change this stupid system!"

"Enough activism for today, go to bed."

"It's not even 11 pm."

"School starts at 8 am."


"Go to sleep."

"Hyung, nobody sleeps a full 8 hours in this day and age. It's a myth."

"Not everyone's an insomniac like you, Yoongi-yah."

"That's your opinion. What I said is a fact!"

Yoongi knew that Seokjin knew that he was bullshitting him. He had been, for the past hour now. And he continued to do so, until it was already 11:16 pm and nobody's answering on the other line. Yoongi knew he was pushing Seokjin's limit, and he sighed as he ended the call. 

He couldn't help it, his nerves were frayed. Like Seokjin said, it's the same as every time a new semester starts. Yoongi had been bouncing his leg since he sat down in front of his music equipment around 8 pm, trying to distract himself. It worked for the most part; still, he found his thoughts straying.

Majoring in music production had been a risky move. Starting his own career in the underground was even riskier. Everything, when it comes to his life, had been risky so far. His parents hadn't been okay with it, and he doesn't blame them. Considering the environment he was exposed to in the underground, he figured any parent would react the same way they did. His father looked at him with disappointment. His mother... Heartbreak. Yoongi didn't know what to feel then.

Now, he's down a more, say, decent path. School, college. Legal shit. He and Namjoon almost deviated but they're fine now.

Yet, as he thought about what tomorrow will hold, Yoongi couldn't help the tinge of anxiety in his chest.

Another step in pursuing music. Has it been worth it? Am I happy? Would it matter five years from now? Would I regret it?

They weren't easy questions to answer. Yoongi himself didn't know the answers, didn't know why he was thinking about it in the first place. What he do know is that he's not unhappy. He's not regretting it.

The best way to know what you are is to know what you are not.

He did not know where he had heard or seen it, but the saying stuck to him. Past all his confusions, rebellions, and identity crises; it got him through with the last bits of his sanity intact. High school hadn't been his glory days. He vowed to do better in the years that come. Mentally, emotionally, academically— better, in general.

Yoongi fell asleep on his desk, consumed by his thoughts.


There was the sound of recurrent thunders— loud, heavy, like the steps of an elephant.

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