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everyone looked at taehyung in shock, not expecting that from him at all. 

taehyung winced his pain when he attempted to get up. 

"let's get out of here" taehyung said in a small voice and trudged out of the door. walking towards the cars that were parked. jungkook following behind.

"can we? we kind of have to." hoseok asked, holding a bomb.

"wait!" jin said. he ran upstairs and came down with a black box in his hands.

"okay let's go." jin sighed sadly looking at all the dead bodies scattered around in what was once their home. 

hoseok set the bomb down in the middle of the house, setting it off. they all hurried out. jimin and jin looking around the house once more before scurrying to the car. 

they sped down the road, the two cars following each other.

jin, jimin, and taehyung flinched when they heard the loud noise for the second time. the gang members didn't seem phased by it at all. jimin and jin looked down to their hands as if they were monsters, not believing what they've done today. jin looked at the three gang members that were in the car with him right now, it only being three since jungkook and taehyung were riding in the other car. he wondered how these guys lived with themselves every day, knowing that they have killed people and have destroyed lives.

"i know what you're thinking, and honestly none of us do either. in this life that we're living in, you either win or you lose. it's bad, but there's no getting out of this" namjoon said, keeping his eyes on the road, pressing down on the gas pedal. 

taehyung looked out of the window, the car silent. he had his hand pressed down on his wound, breathing in and out, trying to ease the pain traveling up and down his chest. 

"let's have jin patch you up when we get to the house" jungkook mumbled.

he only nodded, not trusting his voice. he couldn't believe that he killed someone. he killed someone with his own hands, just like the way they killed his parents 

"look, what chanyeol said, was that true?" jungkook asked bluntly

"sadly, yeah it is" taehyung mumbled

jungkook glanced at taehyung, but quickly looked back when he saw his head starting to look back up. 

"oh" jungkook mumbled

they arrived at the familiar house, it almost seemed like they arrived faster going back than heading to their old house in the first place. 

both cars were parked carelessly. yoongi got out and went inside the garage on the side of their house, he soon came back out with two new licenses plates and he replaced the old ones with new ones. 

"come help us with this" called out namjoon. 

jimin, hoseok, and taehyung all helped namjoon with the bags, while jin took me to their kitchen to get the wound on my chest get cleaned up. jin sat me down on a chair and grabbed the first aid kit out from the cabinet that yoongi told him about. he pulled out bandages and other things. 

"you're going to have to stitch that up here by the way." hoseok said 

"what?! i can't do that, what if i mess up? we need to take him to the hospital" jin exclaimed

"if you do, the people there will find out that you are with bb and we will get arrested then executed. that causing you having to deal with exo all by yourselves" hoseok said looking at jin

"just do it here jin, it's going to be okay, i trust you" taehyung told jin, hiding that he was afraid

"but i'll have to numb the wound in order to do it and i don't have supplies, my baby brother needs the safest treatment, and this isn't it!" jin protested 

"namjoon go down and get the tools for the stitching" hoseok told namjoon before turning back to us "when we would get into battles, sometimes we would come out with wounds and we couldn't go to the hospital or we'd get caught red-handed" hoseok explained

"so bang sent us all these tools to look after ourselves" namjoon added on, walking back in to the room where taehyung was seated at.

"then why don't you do it?" taehyung asked 

"are you sure you want us to do it? because only one of us can properly do it" namjoon said raising and eyebrow 

taehyung and tin both looked at each other, not knowing if they should trust them or not. 

"if they're better than me then yes" jin said 

"are you sure? because there's no backing out" namjoon grinned

"yes, im sure" taehyung said, trying to be confident

namjoon and hoseok looked at each other smirking before 

"jungkook! can you come here for a sec?" hoseok yelled out 

"fuck no, he's going to stab me!" taehyung screamed and namjoon only shrugged his shoulders

"you said you were sure though"

love stains// tk,nj,ymWhere stories live. Discover now