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warning: namjin smut

jin was thrashing around next to namjoon, his nightmare taking over his body 

"n-no stop!" jin whimpered

namjoon woke up to the sound and saw jin covered in sweat and his face flushed. 

namjoon hurriedly woke jin up, causing jin to jump up and immediately started to cry. 

"what happened?" namjoon asked jin 

jin only continued to cry. namjoon pulled the older into his lap and hugged him to his chest, letting him cry. namjoon was shaken up as well. 

"i-i thought you d-died" jin whimpered, hugging namjoon tighter. 

namjoon frowned and repeatedly kissed jin's head to try to calm him down. 

"i'm here baby, don't worry" namjoon whispered in jin's ear. namjoon continued to whisper sweet and reassuring things to jin. namjoon cradled jin in his arms until he calm down, jin hiccupping occasionally. 

"let's get you in the shower" namjoon told jin. jin nodded and he shakily got up and they both went to the restroom that was connected in namjoon's room. 

"can you shower with me?" jin asked quietly, turning bright red. 

namjoon smiled brightly and nodded 

"of course baby" namjoon told jin, making jin blush more

they both undressed down to their boxers. jin stood there awkwardly not knowing what to do

"what if i turn around and you undress completely and go in the shower, then i'll come after you?" namjoon suggested. jin nodded happily and namjoon turned around. he waited until jin told him he was in. namjoon slid off his boxers and walked into the shower. luckily the shower was large, with more than enough space for the both of them. 

jin blushed madly and look everywhere but at namjoon. namjoon noticed and grabbed his chin, both of their eyes interlocked.

"there's no need to be shy okay?" namjoon reassured. jin nodded grinning and namjoon.

namjoon placed a kiss on jin's nose before he turned around to grab the shampoo. 

he opened the bottle and poured a generous amount before massaging it into jin's scalp. namjoon pecking his lips every now and then making jin giggle happily. jin washed namjoon's hair for him as well. 

jin gently washed namjoon's back with body wash in his hands. jin placed small kisses n the nape of namjoon's neck. namjoon's imagination started to grow wild because of the pretty boy gliding his hands up and down his entire back side. 

namjoon finally had enough and turned around, he gently pushed jin against the shower wall. jin gasped as he felt the cold and wet surface hit his back, making him shiver. 

namjoon stared at jin for a bit, he scanned his face intensely while jin was breathing hard, his heart beating out of his chest because of the closeness. after what seemed like forever, namjoon leaned in and kissed jin gently, namjoon wrapped his arm around jin's waist, while jin's hands tangled themselves in namjoon's wet hair. namjoon wiped jin's bottom lip with his tongue, asking for entrance, which jin immediately granted. 

their tongues fought for dominance, namjoon won making him mentally smirk. namjoon kissed down jin's jaw to his neck. namjoon gently sucked jin's neck, forming love bites. namjoon continued to nip and bite at jin's neck making the older whimper. jin's legs grew weak when namjoon found his sweet spot, he swirled his tongue around the skin of his neck, making sure to mark him as much as he can before continuing down his chest. 

namjoon licked down jin's chest making small love bites there as well. namjoon took one of jin's sensitive nubs in his mouth making jin gasp. both boys had hard erections waiting to be taken care of

"j-joon, touch me" jin whined, making namjoon smile

namjoon slid his hand down to the olders member, he wrapped his hand around it giving it a small squeeze making jin let out a small whimper. namjoon started pumping jin's length slowly making jin bite his lip. 

namjoon went faster, his other hand playing with jin's balls.

"aa-ah" jin moaned out

namjoon pumped faster. jin was started to feel the familiar heat feeling start to pull in his stomach. jin's moans became louder and needier. 

"f-fu-" jin started but was cut off by his own lips letting out a loud moan as he released in namjoon's hand. jin opened his eyes and looked at namjoon before kissing him deeply. 

jin turned namjoon around so the younger was now pressed against the wall. jin took the time to mark him as well, sucking and nipping at namjoon's skin, making the younger groan. 

jin smiled at namjoon before dropping down on his knees. jin grasped namjoon's member giving it kitten licks, the placed his lips around the tip of dick. jin looked up to namjoon to see him biting his lip, jin batted his eyes at him which only made namjoon groan at the sight of him. 

jin then took namjoon's length in his mouth as much as he possibly could making namjoon let out a moan. 

"fuck jin" moaned out namjoon

jin hollowed his cheeks and started bobbing his head up and down, his hands wrapping around the base where his mouth didn't reach. jin then took in namjoon's dick whole until it reached the back of his throat, jin collected himself and swallowed around namjoon's member, sending sparks of pleasure through namjoon's body. 

namjoon let out low moans and groans as he felt a knot form and tighten in his lower stomach. 

"i'm gonna cum" moaned namjoon.

the words only made jin go faster until namjoon released in his mouth. jin swallowed his load before standing up, looking at namjoon with a bit of white liquid running down the side of his mouth. namjoon wiped it off and smiled at him, before turning off the shower. they both got dressed and brushed their teeth. they got startled when they heard a knock at the door, hoseok's muffled voice boomed through the door

"i really didn't want to wake up to that!"

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