27; "Swinging" with Spider-Man

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Even though I'd wanted to get off the topic of Loki, I wasn't that lucky. The very next morning I was woken up by muffled yelling and thumping coming from downstairs. I sleepily rolled over to check the clock on my night stand. Seriously, it's only 8:24am and there's already commotion?

I decided there was no point in trying to go back to sleep, so I pushed the sheets off my body and hopped out of bed. I didn't feel like changing and kept my pyjamas on as I headed out the door. Over the overhang, I could see Tony, Steve, Thor, Natasha, Clint, Bruce and Peter. Everyone was sitting around except Tony and Thor, who were at each other's throats again. Poor Steve was trying to calm them down, but it wasn't going well.

"Excuse me!" I yelled from the railing. Everyone turned to look at me. "There's a kid trying to sleep up here!"

I turned and headed down the stairs, then sat on one of the bar stools to face everyone.

"What's all the commotion about?" I asked with a yawn.

Everyone looked at each other. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Loki escaped." Thor spoke up. My heart felt like it did a back flip and I felt all of the blood drain from my face.

"What?!" I exclaimed.

"We're going to find him, Victoria." Tony assured me.

"He escaped?! What do you mean he escaped? Didn't those police people take him with them?" I got off my chair and looked up at Tony with wide eyes while waving my hands around, something I must've gotten from him.

"They tried, he has a new tactic none of us knew about—" I cut him off.

"Mind control..."

"Yeah... how'd you know...?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

I swallowed. "He told me... he told me that's how he got the guard to come get me, and I forgot! I knew and I forgot to tell you about it and now he's free—"

"Victoria, Victoria, Victoria!" Steve approached me, putting a hand on my shoulder and crouching to my level. "This is not your fault. It's alright, we're going to find him."

"What if he finds me?"

"He won't." Tony said.

"How do you know for sure?" My voice cracked.

"Because you're going to come with us. You're going to be with us the entire time."

I smirked and raised my eyebrow. "Can I use my suit?"

Everyone chuckled. "Sure." Tony agreed, which I was actually surprised about.

While everyone was discussing their plan of attack, Peter and I snuck out to the backyard to swing on the swings Tony had built for me a little while ago. They were right by the water, which I loved.

"So how old are you anyways? You don't look nearly as old as everyone else." I said.

Peter laughed. "I'm fourteen, you?"

"Eleven. How'd you become an Avenger at fourteen? Tony barely let's me use my suit."

"My aunt doesn't know I do this."

"What about your parents?" His expression changed, and I immediately regretted saying anything. "I'm sorry I didn't—"

"No, it's okay. They were killed when I was little, so I live with my aunt. My uncle used to live with us as well but... he was killed too."

My heart ached for him. "I'm sorry. My mom was killed when I was little too, but you've probably heard all about that." I motioned to the house where you could see the rest of the Avengers through the big window panes.

"Yeah I've heard... you must be so shocked, that Loki is your uncle and all?"

I widened my eyes and huffed. "You could say that."

He chuckled. "You're lucky to have Tony as your dad though. He's one of the best guys I've ever met."

"How long have you known each other?"

"Probably a little over a year. When he found out about my parents and that I live with my aunt, he kind of took on the role of a kind of... parental figure?" He said. "Sorry, that's probably weird since he's your dad."

"No, not at all." I smiled at him, squinting my eyes from the sun. He grinned back, seemingly thanking me.

I sighed and looked back to the house, seeing Tony and Bruce looking at something on an iPad.

"Do you think they'll find him?" I asked.

"Loki? Definitely. Sorry, I know he's you're uncle, but the guy ain't that smart."

I grinned slightly. "I just don't want him to find me again."

"He won't." Peter assured me. "Plus, you get to hang out with us for the day!"

I could tell he was trying to calm my nerves with his dorky sense of humour, and to be honest, it kind of worked. But the constant fear that Loki would figure out where I was lingered in the back of my mind.

"Let's do something." Peter swung up and jumped off the swing.

It took me by surprise. "Okay," I giggled. "Like what?"

"I don't know but if I know the Avengers - and I do - they're going to be in there for a while. And I'm bored."

"Alright, do you wanna go somewhere?" I stepped off the swing.

"My suit's in my backpack, inside. If we can go in and get both of our suits and sneak back out without being too obvious, we could go around town?"

"That would be sick!" I exclaimed, then covered my mouth, worried they would hear me from inside. Thankfully, they didn't.

"Alright... we'll both go in and pretend we have to go to the bathroom. I'll go to the one in the hall and you go upstairs, that's where your suit is right?" I nodded. "Great, then we'll meet back here."

I had a huge smile on my face. I hadn't been in school for a little while and I was missing hanging out with people my own age. Granted, Peter was slightly older than me, but unlike say... Steve, whose 88 years older than me, Peter was only 3 years older than me.

I followed closely behind Peter as he slid the glass door open, catching the attention of everyone inside. Tony and Bruce spun around, still holding the iPad. I wonder what they were even staring at? We stepped inside and smiled innocently.

"We—uh—have to go to the bathroom!" I said, then booked it up the stairs. Peter wasted no time rushing down the hallway.

I reached my bedroom without anyone realizing, and fell to the floor to get my suit from underneath my bed. I pulled out the little pink box and put it in the pocket of my overalls. Scanning myself in the mirror, it was pretty obvious there was something in there, so I crossed my arms awkwardly to try and hide it. Good enough.

I walked out of my room and saw Peter downstairs sneakily grab his backpack from the floor and swing it over his shoulder. Smooth, Parker. I made sure to keep my arms crossed and went downstairs with my head hanging to keep attention off of myself. Peter followed closely and silently as we shuffled our way back outdoors.

Hey guys, just wondering, would you rather Victoria and Peter Parker to have a brother/sister relationship or a more romantic relationship? I know Victoria is only 11 right now but just thinking for the future! Feedback is appreciated💞

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