35; Mario Kart

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When I woke up, Tony was sitting across the room eating some pancakes. He had a look of disgust on his face and I let out a giggle, catching his attention away from the TV.

"You were right, this food is gross." He chucked his napkin in the plate. "Wanna go out for breakfast?"

I nodded. Tony helped me out of bed, thinking this was the first time I'd been up since yesterday, unaware of my encounter with Emily. He stood in the corner as I got dressed, refusing to leave me in the room by myself, and put my shoes on for me since I found it hard to bend over. The nurse rolled a wheelchair in the room and I thanked her, taking a seat and letting Tony wheel me into the hall.

He was signing me out at the desk when I looked down the opposite hall and saw Emily peeking out of her room. I smiled at her and mouthed a 'thank you'. She waved, and Tony began pushing me out of the hospital. I really wanted to see Emily again, and planned on telling Tony about her later.

Tony helped me into the passenger seat and then got in himself. I stared out the window as he began driving and thought about Emily's words.

"What're you thinking about?"

I turned my head and laughed. "Oh, um..." I decided I didn't have any other choice but to tell him the truth. "After you fell asleep last night, I went for a walk and I met a girl."

"By yourself?"

"Don't worry, I was fine." I rolled my eyes jokingly. "The girl I met is named Emily, she has cancer. She's only twelve years old..."

"Wow..." Tony sighed sadly.

"I know. I told her about what happened at school, with those kids beating me up and all, and she talked to me like my problems were just as bad as hers. She was so nice, I really want to see her again. Do you think we can visit her?"

"Of course, maybe this weekend?"

I grinned from ear to ear and nodded. We arrived at a diner and sat in a booth. Tony and I both ordered french toast, scrambled eggs, bacon and orange juice. I gave my bacon to him though, I didn't like it, which made him laugh when I chucked it onto his plate as if it was poisonous. We ate in silence for a couple of minutes because we were so hungry from not eating the hospital food.

"Tell me about school." Tony spoke up suddenly, not looking up from his plate.

I swallowed. "It's good." He looked up. "Well besides this." I motioned to my ribs and scratched face.

"Who are they?"

"The main girl is from my theatre class, she was mad that I got the main part in the play and she didn't. Apparently she's gotten it for years. So she and her two friends, a girl and a boy, attacked me." I explained. "I used my powers to push the two girls away, the boy was the one that did this."

I could tell Tony was fuming as he stirred his food around on his plate. "Do you know their names?"

"Um... Peter sent them to me, let me check..." I pulled out my phone. "Ashley, Sabrina and Jacob."

"And Jacob was the one that hurt you?"

I nodded, then thought. "Wait— please don't do anything embarrassing, I'm finally fitting in at this school."

"I won't."

"Tony." He looked up. I didn't usually call him Tony anymore, so he knew I was serious. He nodded. "Thank you."

We finished our breakfast and headed home, I'd go back to school tomorrow. The thought of having to take it easy for the next few weeks irked me, but I guess I didn't really have a choice.


"Ha! Take that loser!" I exclaimed.

At the moment, Peter, Steve and I were in the living room playing Mario Kart. Tony had to go out for 'business things' and insisted Steve come over to watch me. Even though I hated the idea of having a babysitter at the age of eleven, I finally gave in,
1. Because I like Steve, and
2. Only if he allowed Peter to come over too.

Of course, Tony didn't have a problem with Peter coming over, he really liked him, and like Peter said, I think Tony is like a father figure to him.

I rammed my Princess Peach kart into Steve's kart again and he went spiralling off the road for the fifth time today. He let out another huff of frustration and Peter and I burst into laughter. Poor Steve, he wasn't exactly up to date when it came to technology. I crossed the finish line and threw my arms in the air to gloat, but immediately regretted it when a string of pain shot up my ribs.

"I really have to stop doing that." I said, making Peter and Steve chuckle. "So, Peter,"


"What happened to those kids after?"

"A teacher found them in the hall once I tied them up with the webs, and they were brought to the office. Of course, they didn't admit anything at first, but when I left the hospital I went back to school and explained everything. They got suspended."

"For how long?"

"A day, and Bridgette, the blonde girl, she was cut from the play. So you don't have to worry about her anymore."

My face lit up. "Yes!" I cheered. "Oh, I mean oh no... that's so sad for her..."

"Kids can be so mean," Steve spoke, catching Peter's and my attention. "I mean, I went to war 80 years ago, and people are still fighting."

"I think it'll always be that way, uncle Steve." I smiled sadly at him, and he gave me a grin. I had never called him that before, and I could tell he'd been waiting impatiently. "You did your best."

"Thank you, kiddo."

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