Chapter 22

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|| Dreamy||

Your POV

I slowly open my eyes but, try to close them right away because of the bright light. Where am I? This isn't Malfoy Manor. I carefully sit up straight and look outside the window, the sea? Okay what is this place? Where is he? Where is Draco? I open my mouth, trying to scream but I can't...when I touch my neck it hurts. It hurts so bad! I try to scream again but I couldn't. It hurts so much. The the door swung open "Y/N! How are you already awake? You should lie back down." Harry says and tries to push me back down. But I push his hands away. I open my mouth again to speak but again there was no word coming out of my throat. He puts his hand on my shoulders "Y/N you shouldn't try to talk. Your voice is gone...we don't know for how long." He tells me. I start to breathe heavily "Y/N! Y/N, calm down, please!" He tells me. Ron and Hermoine run into the room, trying to help Harry while I am trying to get free "Y/N, Calm down!" They tell me again. I need to get to Draco, they will hurt him! "Y/N, we know you are worried about everyone but you need to rest! You were almost dead, you really need to recover." Hermoine tells me. I shake my head "Y/N, Listen to us!" Ron says and makes me look at him "Calm down, we are trying to help you. Please calm down." He tells me. After trying to break free for some more minutes, I give up "Good girl." He says. I lie down and look at them, Hermoine gives me a notepad and a pencil. I start to write and then I show them the pad "Where are we?" Harry reads out loud "We are in a safe house from the order. Well, what's left of it." I start to write again "Where is Draco?" "Draco is still at Malfoy Manor" Harry tells me. Why is he still there?! He was supposed to come with us! I put my pencil on the paper again "What happened?" Harry reads "We will tell you later, first you need to go back to sleep." Hermoine tells me

----Your Dream----
"Draco? Draco?!" I scream. No one answers. The only thing I hear is the echo of my voice. I walk around some more "Draco?!!! Where are you?!!" I scream. Still no answer "DRACO!!!" I scream "Y/N?" "Draco?" "Y/N!" Someone grabs my hands. Draco. I wrap my arms around his neck "I thought I lost you!" I tell him. He pushes me away and looks at me "But you left me behind." He says "What?" I say "You filthy little mudblood. You left me behind when I needed you the most." He says "I was unconscious..." I start "I needed you! I knew I shouldn't have trusted a mudblood like you!" "Draco stop it!" "Mudblood!" He yells "Stop it!" I tell him "MUDBLOOD!" "STOP IT!!!!!" I scream.
----End of Dream----

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