The New Girl (Marco's POV)

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(Echo Creek High)
Marco: *drawing on desk*
Principal Skeeves: Ahem listen up delinquents this is our new student Star Butterfly, now I expect that you are polite and inviting towards miss Butterfly

(She had long blonde hair, she'd totally be my type if she wasn't dressed like a Barbie doll and a little too nice for my taste)

Marco: What kind of name is Butterfly
*class snickers*
Principal Skeeves: Mr.Diaz I'm sure you'll get to know especially since you'll be Star's guide and mentor, Nobody's sitting in that desk next to you why don't you have a seat Star.
(She quickly sat in her seat and whispered to me)
Star: H-hey you don't have to be my tour guide, n-not if you don't want to.
Marco: *sighs* I don't but Skeeves has a reputation of ruining my life so I have to.
(I snatched her schedule off of her desk only by accident I swear.)
Marco: Huh I guess we have the same classes....great
Star: I didn't exactly get your name uhm Mines is Star
Marco: Yeah *scoffs* I know your name.
Star: I just wanted to formally tell you. But your name?
Marco: It's Marco, look if I'm gonna be your guide we need to set down some ground rules!
(She strangely made eye contact with me and grabbed her pen and pad)
Marco: Umm... okay? Well first give me personal space I'm not a people person. Second don't say my name too much especially my last name. Lastly we aren't friends so don't go following me around. I'm only gonna drop you off to class as that's it. Got it?
Star: Yeah I-I got it
(She pulled the hair out of her face it was kinda cute I guess. She looked upset)

A Bad Boy and His Good Girlحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن