What's Wrong? (Star's POV)

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(When Marco left it really broke my heart. I don't know if I made the right decision or not. Everything is just moving so fast, was this a mistake? I don't want to lose him forever especially for Stella's sake. I have no idea where he was going or when he was coming back.)

Angie: Star I should get going. Thank you for inviting me here.
Star: It's no problem... I-I'm sorry about him.
Angie: I understand.
Star: You do?
Angie: I'm gonna admit it. Rafael and I haven't been great parents and I regret it. My own son doesn't want any connection with me.
Star: Oh come on don't blame yourself.
Angie: No it's true. I've never seen him passionate about something until he met you. I can see how much better he's gotten, I just hope he makes the right decision to become a great father to Stella.
Star: Yeah, me too.
Angie: Even though he won't speak to me, I still worry.
Star: Worry about what?
Angie: *sighs* Well a while back he was in this really really dark place. I guess when Rafael started becoming so angry. Marco became addicted to Xanax, at first he was prescribed but I guess he used it as an escape.
Star: I had no idea, he never told me.
Angie: He's ashamed of it. I just pray he's not resorting back to drugs. I still care I really do I just want him to be safe.
Star: *sniffs* It's getting really late.
Angie: Yeah it is, um Star. If Marco comes back could you please let me know.
Star: Yes of course *closes door*

(How come he never told me about it. Now I'm scared, where could he be? I just hope he doesn't resort to drugs or something. I care about him so much, I hope nothing happens to him. I'll just get some rest maybe he'll be back tomorrow.)

Star: Mom I'm going to sleep now.
Moon: Okay darling, do you want me to watch Stella for you?
Star: Um, no it's fine.
Moon: Okay but don't hesitate to ask for help if you need it.
Star: I know thanks mom. *walks into bedroom*
Stella, I love you so much *picks her up* and I promise you whatever happens I'll always be here. Your dad loves you too, he'll be.... back? *sighs* I'm sorry baby, I don't know.
(For most of my life it's been mom and I. It's kind of hard because ever since we moved she's been so busy it's like I don't see her anymore. All I want is to be there for my daughter no matter what, even if I have to be there alone.)

Stella: *cries*
Star: Oh my gosh, where's the bottle? Marc- *sighs* Okay Stella I'm working on it.
Moon: Star are you alright?
Star: *hyperventilates* Yeah yeah I'm fine just trying to feed her. I just can't find her bottle.
Moon: *hugs her* Star honey relax look her bottle is on your bed. You need to relax.
Star: I know it's just hard that Marco isn't here now.
Moon: Well if you need his help call him.
Star: I tried but I guess his phone is still dead.
Moon: Do you know where he could be?
Star: No, there's no place- wait I think I might know.
Moon: Well try checking for him there I'll watch Stella.
Star: Really?
Moon: Yeah if finding him is that important you should go.
Star: *hugs her* Thank you.
(I got dressed and called a cab. There's one place I know where he might've went. I just hope he's there.)

Star: Hello, Marco?
(There he was right where I thought he was but something wasn't right.)
Star: Marco! *shakes him* Wake up! *puts ear to his chest* Please wake up!
(I called an ambulance, he was just laying there on the floor lifeless. I can't leave him like this. I hope he's okay.)

Star: Marco?
Marco: Wha? Where am I?
Star: *holds his hand* You.. you uh passed out. You could've died.
Marco: How?
Star: You haven't eaten in days *tears up* why?
Marco: I told you... I just haven't been hungry. Wait how did you find me?
Star: I went looking for you and the first place I thought of was your hideaway.
Marco: Why were you looking for me?
Star: Because you mean so much to me and I don't think I could do this without you. *hugs him*
Marco: Star, please don't do this.
Star: Do what? *wipes eyes*
Marco: Y-you're acting on emotions.
Star: What?
Marco: *puts head down* Look I've been through this before, I know how this goes. N-nobody cares about me until I'm... close to dying. Nobody cares until your dead.
Star: *grabs his face* Marco listen. This is me talking okay? I've always cared about you and yes I am acting on emotion. *holds his hand* I-I thought that if we weren't together things would be easier but it's been you. You've been here everyday and I can't just go on without you in my life. Marco I do care and I always will.
Marco: So what does this mean?
Star: Will you please come back home with me?
Marco: Are you sure?
Star: I've never been more sure. Just please promise one thing.
Marco: Anything.
Star: Just please stay healthy for this family.
Marco: I promise.

(For the rest of the day my mom watched Stella while I stayed at the hospital with Marco. We mostly just slept and laughed together. We've only been broken up for like a day but I don't think I could've gone through with it forever. He was right, he's my soulmate and I can't just let him slip away from me. My mom used to tell me that when I was younger "don't ever let go of what you have because it might not be there waiting in the future". At this point I think we can overcome anything and I hope that it stays this way.)

Nurse: I'm sorry but visiting hours are about to end in 10 minutes.
Star: Oh okay.
Marco: I guess you should get going.
Star: Yeah, well you're getting discharged tomorrow so I'll be here in the morning.
Marco: Okay I'll see you tomorrow.
Star: *kisses him* I'll miss you.
Marco: *hugs her* I'll miss you too.
(This wasn't exactly how I wanted to see Marco again but I am glad we're back together and hopefully Jackie doesn't ruin it again. I just hope he doesn't do this again I don't know what I'd do if he were gone.)

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