Leave (Marco's POV

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(I woke up that morning just waiting to see Star's face. She's so beautiful I want to kiss again and be near her)

Marco: Mom Dad I'm heading out
Rafael: No you're not young man
(My dad has been such a jerk lately I think it's cause he lost his job but still I hate being around him)
Marco: Ughh Oh my God why not!
Rafael: You came home late last night and you didn't finish your chores
Marco: That's it? Okay so I came home an hour late and I didn't take out the trash big deal
Angie: Marco do not speak to your father like that
Rafael: That's the thing with you, You are so out of control and you need to be disciplined
(My parents never understood me they're so fucking stupid. I really hate living with them)
Marco: Disciplined?
Rafael: Marco you don't do shit in this house and your grades are horrible. You've been in 7 fights this school year and we can't take it anymore.
Marco: What you're gonna send me to military school or something?
Angie: Marco pack your bags
Marco: Pack my bags? Why where am I going!
Rafael: You need to leave. You're not allowed back into this house until you get your act together
Marco: You're kicking me out?
Angie: I'm sorry
Marco: No you're not Sorry. Great go ahead kick me out I hated this fucking family anyways. I'm leaving

(I Packed all of my things up, I went straight to my hideout and in the heat of all this mess I completely forgot about Star. I don't want her to think I stood her up so I called her to meet me at the place)

Star: Marco? Are you here?
Marco: Yeah I'm over here by the couch
(She came and sat next to me, the warmth from her body was comforting)
Star: I'm really glad we got to meet up today. I stayed up all night thinking about yesterday
Marco: Hm...yeah
Star: Is everything okay?
Marco: I'm fine

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