Heart Broken (Jackie's POV)

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Writer: Ok hey guys so I decided to let you get a glimpse of Jackie and Marco's previous relationship but in Jackie's eyes. So right now we went about  1 and 1/2 years back in time.

{Jackie's House}
Jackie: Why don't you show me any attention anymore?
Marco: What are you talking about?
Jackie: Ever since we took that break 5 months ago you don't seem that interested in me anymore
Marco: *rolls eyes* Jackie your hot and you know it why do I need to tell you everyday
Jackie: Okay but you never want to touch me. You don't even kiss me like you used to. What am I not pretty enough am I not smart enough? What do you want
Marco: You're overreacting! I just need some space and some time to adjust
Jackie: But I've given you space
Marco: You're not now! Jackie I've dealt with a lot of shit but the things I've gone through with you is crazy.
Jackie: But I apologized times and times
Marco: And I forgave you. Jackie your just toxic and you need to know that.
Jackie: But I Love you
Marco: That doesn't matter anymore. I mean first you lie to me and you cheat on me. Maybe that's why I can't kiss you the same.
Jackie: Okay I cheated on you but what about your little addiction problem huh? What about me? Did I not have to deal with all of your shit too. I try my best to help you out-
Marco: No you don't help me out. You don't! Jackie I give you more chances than I could count. This isn't gonna work if you're not real. I haven't lied to you a day in my life but you lie to me likes it's nothing.
Jackie: *cries* I'm sorry
Marco: Don't cry. You've said sorry way too many times. I'm sorry.... but us we're over
Jackie: Please don't leave. I'll make it up to you I swear!
Marco: No you can't make it up. *leaves*

(How could he? I gave him so much love and he doesn't appreciate it. Whenever he went through a hard time I was there. I cheated on him but only to get his attention. I still love him and I miss him.)
Alyssa: Jack? Are you okay? Marco just stormed out of here
Jackie: *crying* We broke up
Alyssa: Why what happened?
Jackie: He said I was toxic and that all I ever do is lie to him. But I was always the one to help him and I was always there when he needed someone
Alyssa: Awe Jack I'm sorry m-maybe you guys could make it work, you know like you always do
Jackie: He said we're over for real this time

(I love him so much and I can't get over him. I don't care I'll do whatever it takes to get him back. I know we belong together we basically grew up together. His mind is just a little lost sooner or later he'll realize that he's making a mistake.)

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