I'm Here (Marco's POV)

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{Writer here. So I've been gone for a while so I decided to write a whole lot more in this chapter to make up for that. Also don't mind any mistakes in the spelling. Otherwise enjoy 😊}

(Sometimes I forget that me and Star haven't always been together. I mean we just sorta clicked as soon we kissed the day we met. It's crazy to think I could love someone this much but also put her in so much pain. I've never yelled or raised my voice at her. What if I'm the problem?)

{6:52 am}
Marco: *knocks on door* excuse me Ms.B may I please talk to you?
Moon: *opens door* Fine but for the love of god make it short I'm exhausted.
Marco: Right, I'm sorry but it's important. It's about Star.
Moon: Yeah I heard you two bickering, are you guys over it?
Marco: Well kind of.
Moon: How so?
Marco: Star was asking me some questions and it got a little out of hand but besides that, I'm worried. She was yelling and just acting out of character but when I asked her why, she said she didn't know.
Moon: Marco she's a teenage girl, who just had a baby. Her hormones are a little bit out there.
Marco: You could be right, but what if it's more?
Moon: What are you suggesting?
Marco: I tried doing some research and what if she has postpartum depression?
Moon: Oh- Well I guess I never thought of that. She was doing well right after having Stella a-and she's never had any outbursts before.
Marco: I don't want to scare you or anything it was just a thought. Maybe today she's just a little agitated I just wanted to bring it to your attention.
Moon: Thank You *hugs him* Are you okay?
Marco: Me?, *smiles* I'm fine thank you. Well sorry for bothering you I'll let you sleep.
Moon: No it was no trouble at all.

(What if Star does have postpartum depression? No I can't think like that. I just have to be there for her the same as she was for me. I love Star but I wish there was someone else I could talk to other than her or her mom. I basically cut everyone off, probably for the best. Maybe I could reach out to Janna, I never got to talk to her about everything. I'm exhausted, maybe I should get some rest too. On the couch though, I don't wanna bother Star.)

{9:03 am}
Star: Marco? Where are you?
Marco: *walks to her room* I was downstairs.
Star: Why?
Marco: I was taking a quick nap before you and Stella woke up.
Star: Why didn't you just sleep in here then?
Marco: *scratches head* I didn't wanna bother you.
Star: *sighs* It made me nervous that you weren't there when I woke up.
Marco: *hugs her* I'm not going anywhere.
Star: Please don't.
Marco: I won't.
Star: I really am sorry about earlier.
Marco: Star it's fine it's over now. Let's just focus on something more important, like Stella.
Star: Right... Well she's still asleep I'll go get her outfit prepared.
Marco: What do you think we should do today?
Star: Maybe we could take her out for a stroll?
Marco: *shrugs* Sure.
Star: Do you have anything in mind?
Marco: No not really.
Star: *stands up quickly* I can't do it!
Marco: Do What? What's wrong?
Star: I'm sorry I just feel better talking to you, and I need to talk to you.
Marco: But we already spoke about it.
Star: I know we did but I guess I'm not over it, maybe I'm not over the whole Jackie thing either. Marco I want to get over it but I just can't.

(Someone rings the doorbell.)
Marco: I didn't know it was still upsetting you yeah we can still talk about it. Are you expecting anyone?
Star: No.
Marco: Okay I'll go answer the door real quick.
Janna: Hey Marco.
Marco: Janna, wh-why are you here?
Janna: Uh your girlfriend called me.
Marco: Star What's going on?
Star: Okay um let me just explain. Here Janna why don't you have a seat on the couch.
Marco: *pulls Star aside* Why'd you invite Janna here? How did you even get her number?
Star: I was about to tell you I'm still not over the Jackie situation so I went through your contacts and asked Janna to come by. I mean you don't even know the full story either.
Marco: No, but I just wanted to forget everything about Jackie and what she did.
Star: I want closure and for that to happen I want to speak to Janna.
Marco: What happened to us just wanting to spend the whole day with Stella?
Star: We will I promise, let's just get this out of the way.
Marco: I just wish you'd ask me first.
Star: I've been kept in the dark about your business with Jackie in the beginning so.. *shrugs shoulders*
Marco: Fine go ask her.

(What's wrong with her? She's acting so weird.)
Star: Nice to meet you Janna.
Janna: *smirks* Oh the pleasure is all mine, to finally meet the famous Star Butterfly which you *points at Marco* have never spoke about to me.
Marco: Well neither of us were in school.
Janna: Ha no no it's fine.
Star: Do you mind telling us what happened.
Janna: Oh right. This all started I guess the week after Marco came back to school. Jackie had texted me and asked if I knew anything about you. She sounded completely crazy but I didn't even know you had a girlfriend.
Star: We're you and Jackie friends or something?
Janna: Marco didn't tell you?
Star: Tell me what?
Janna: The three of us basically grew up together we were all close until they broke up.
Star: I didn't know that. *rolls eyes*
Marco: You're acting's like I did something wrong.
Star: Janna keep going.
Janna: *awkward laugh* Right, well Jackie wanted first on the two of you. I told her to brush it off but she kept obsessing over it and told me to black mail you guys.
Marco: Why didn't you tell me anything about this.
Janna: You haven't even spoken to me in months before that.
Marco: So because of that you go through with Jackie's crazy idea and blackmailed me and Star?
Janna: It wasn't even like that. I don't have the time and energy to go out and be your fucking personal photographer. She said she'd pay me. Marco you know more than anyone else how much I need the money, so I said yes.
Star: How much was she paying you?
Janna: Umm *looks at the ground* She basically had this system set up where she'd pay me a lot more if I got "intimate" pictures of you guys.
Marco: What do you mean by that?
Janna: *coughs* Very very intimate. She uh she payed me $135.
Star: Okay I know it's weird to say but what exactly do you mean by intimate? *panics*
Janna: There was one time you two were doing "favors" I guess and yeah. She payed me $200.
Marco: What the fuck?! Janna why would you do that?
Janna: My mom needs the money and that was the fastest way.
Marco: So you expose us in a vulnerable state to Jackie? Get a fucking job or something. There's no way that setting us up was the only option.
Star: Weren't you already in trouble with the police? Selling "child porn" and stealing medicine are two very different crimes!
Janna: Well I'm sorry okay! I didn't want to do this.
Marco: But you did do it. And now at any moment Jackie could leak all the photos that you took.
Star: She's already ruined my life enough. She's bitter and angry. You're just selfish, because you knew what you were doing was wrong.
Janna: You don't even know me! Neither of you know what I go through at all. Oh and thank you for being such a great friend Marco. My mom needs a kidney transplant do you really think a shift at McDonald's could get her a new kidney. Jackie was my best possible way of getting my mom the money she needs as quickly as possible.
Star: But it Still gives you no right. If Jackie was truly your friend she would've helped you out regardless. She wouldn't have to bribe you to help your mom.
Marco: All of us were going through our own tough times. I basically homeless for 3 months, Jackie's mom died. Don't act like you're a victim.
Janna: You know what. I knew I should've never came here. You're just gold digger who has to stick around because you knocked up your source of income.
Marco: I work my ass off to support the only girl who's ever fucking cared about me. Don't sit up here and call me a bad friend when you were the one doing Jackie's dirty work.
Janna: I had to it! It wasn't right but what do you want from me huh? *sarcastic laugh* Nice place you got here, sorry I have to go so soon. *slams door*

(The fact that she not only blackmailed Star and I, she tried to play it off as if she were the hero.)
Star: *cries* Marco what if Jackie or Janna leaks the pictures?
Marco: *hugs her* I'm so sorry.
Star: I'm an idiot.
Marco: No you're not.
Star: I am. *sniffles*I should've listened to you.
Marco: No, look at me. Now we know we can't trust Janna either. The whole thing with Jackie was over. If they do leak any pictures they'd be in prison.
Star: I think I'm going to be sick. Do you know the real reason why my mom wants us to be homeschooled. Everyone at school was already calling me a slut for getting pregnant. If they see us in our private moments my life would be over.
Marco: I- I didn't even know that was happening.
Star: I didn't want you to know. *wipes eyes* Even people back home are texting me and calling me all types of names.
Marco: Why would t you want me to know?
Star: I just wanted to push it out of my head b-because I was happy. To be with you and to have Stella. I didn't want to talk about it. I thought it didn't bother me, but now that I know we could be exposed any moment. *hyperventilates* Oh my gosh. No no no why would they do this?
Marco: *hugs her tight* Star, I'll always and forever be here for you. You have me, your mom and Stella. We love you. Everything will be okay.

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