Maybe (Marco's POV)

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{Sunday Afternoon}
(I know I told Star to do whatever she wanted but I didn't think she'd tell my mom I got her pregnant. I just really don't want Star talking to my parents they're manipulative and compulsive liars. Star's house is really nice and I already know what they want and it's money!)
Star: Ouch ughh my back really hurts
Marco: Already? Jeez how big is he?
Star: First of all I already had back pain from before and second we don't even know if it's a boy.
Marco: Oh sorry. I just really want a boy *rubs Star's back*
Star: Awe thanks.
Marco: So, you wanna go out to eat?
Star: Yeah sure
Marco: After that we could head to the mall to get you some sweats *laughs*
Star: *laughs* Heh yeah I guess I'll need some now anyways

(We went to the mall first. I never really liked it but we checked out some cool stores. Star picked me out a cool hoodie and I picked her out some sweat pants, pink of course. It was a pretty decent day to say the least. I'm gonna take Star out to eat at this place downtown. We're taking the bus since you know the motorcycle is too dangerous for her.)

Star: So where exactly are we going?
Marco: Someplace good just trust me
Star: Okay... *burps quietly*
Marco: Hey are you okay?
Star: *covers mouth* mhm
Marco: Are you sure? You don't look too good.
Star: Actually no, no I have to puke ... d-do you have a b-bag?
Marco: Oh shoot no. Let's just get off the bus
Star: Okay *hiccups*

(We got off the bus and Star ran to some bushes to throw up. I don't know much about pregnancy but shouldn't she have "morning sickness" it's 6:00pm. She seemed really embarrassed so we just went back home and got cleaned up.)

Star: I'm really sorry
Marco: For?
Star: For messing up our dinner date.
Marco: Nah it's cool, we could just order something here
Star: What do you want to eat
Marco: *quietly* you
Star: What did you say?
Marco: I said some food
Star: mhm.. what kind

(Ugh today is getting so boring plus we're here alone. I want to do something with her.)
Marco: Look lets forget the food let's actually do something
Star: *giggles* Like What
Marco: Wanna make out
Star: Hmm maybe *walks over to him*
Marco: You know we haven't made out in weeks
Star: Yeah *kisses him* but now we can
(We started kissing and then we heard a knock)
Star: Did you order food already?
Marco: No. Who's at the door
Star: I'll go see
(She opened the door and talked for a little.)

Marco: Who was it
Star: It was the delivery guy *holds up envelope* it's... for you?
Marco: Me? Let me see that
(It was from my dad he basically said how he was proud of me and wanted to see me. I do not trust my parents and I really don't understand why they won't just text me it's not hard. I've had enough of this.)
Marco: C'mon lets go
Star: Go where?
Marco: To my parents house. I'm gonna tell them to leave us alone. If they didn't care before why would they care now.

(We walked over to they're house )
Marco: *knocks on door* Star I'm sorry to drag you into this but I can't deal with them anymore
Angie: Oh hi Marco and um I'm sorry sweetie I didn't catch your n-
Marco: We're not here for that Mom. Just leave us alone! I'm done with your games and all of your dumb ideas.
Rafael: Son we just wanted to say we are sorry.
Star: Sorry? You kicked out your child and didn't bother to check in on him at all.
Rafael: Oh you again. I guess you're the one carrying my grandchild.
Marco: You shut me out for majority of my life. You stopped caring about my accomplishments and cared more about your career. I stopped caring and now you want to come back when it's most convenient to you.
Angie: We didn't mean to, it was a very hard time for us.
Marco: And What? Should I just say I get it. Why not actually try to help me.
Rafael: It was our mistake
Marco: It was. Just leave us alone!!! I don't want you to ask about Star or ask how I'm doing. Don't ask about the baby just don't ask anything. Just like you how you didn't want me in your life I'm cutting you out of mine.
Angie: But you can't just- 
Star: It's his decision and he made it.

(I'm not gonna lie, standing up to my parents was probably the greatest feeling in the world and it felt better Star was there. Who knew she had it in her. She just gets hotter to me everyday.)

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