Make it better (Marco's POV)

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(That was... I don't even know what it was. The only other person I've cried to was Jackie but this was totally different. Star actually cares, I never thought my life would be this way. Star's been there through my toughest moments and I owe it to her to be there for her. I don't think I've ever loved anything more than Star and Stella before. I don't think I'd still be here if it hadn't been for her.)

Star: *whispers* Marco? Are you awake?
Marco: *yawns* Yeah.
Star: *hugs him* Are you okay?
Marco: Yeah I feel better, I'm... hungry.
Star: Really? Okay good, my mom made Spaghetti.
Marco: Did you eat already?
Star: No I was waiting for you to come down.
Marco: Oh okay, where's Stella?
Star: She's napping in my mom's room.
Marco: Oh *sighs*
Star: What's wrong?
Marco: I don't know, it just feels like I haven't actually spent time with her.
Star: I mean you always could she is your daughter too. Hey why don't we give my mom a break and just you and I will spend the whole day with her tomorrow.
Marco: That sounds great. But what do parents do with newborns?
Star: I don't really know. I guess we'll have to figure it out for ourselves. *smiles*
Marco: *chuckles* I guess we do.
Star: *Grabs his hand* Now come on I'm starving. *laughs*
Marco: Alright, slow down.

(I gotta say, not eating in days really fucks up your stomach. But I made an attempt to finish a plate of food, it was weird because I got full so fast. It was even worse when Star showed me that her mom had baked a pie. I couldn't even take a bite without feeling sick and I usually have no problem eating it. I hope I'm not stuck this way.)

Star: My mom said she'll watch Stella for tonight. So what do you want to do?
Marco: You *laughs*
Star: *throws pillow at him* Ha ha so funny.
Marco: *hugs her* Come here I was just joking.
Star: Ughh Okay, now what do you want to actually do?
Marco: Why don't we watch some movies, like we used to do.
Star: Sounds good, I'll go make some popcorn and bring in some snacks. You could pick the movie and remember please nothing scary.
Marco: I know, I know.

(Star came back in with a tray of candy, soda and a big bowl of popcorn. I can't eat this it'll make me puke.)

Star: So what did you pick?
Marco: Oh I didn't really decide, you pick.
Star: I don't know.
Marco: *lies down* We could do something else.
Star: *turns around* Like what?
Marco: *pats bed* Lay down.
Star: Marco I already told you I want to wait to have-
Marco: Just lay down.
Star: *lies down* Okay, now what?
Marco: Star I want you to know every single thing about me, and I want to know everything about you too.
Star: *rolls over* You start.
Marco: *takes deep breath* Okay so when I was younger I was like a nerd, and I had the best grades in school. I used to be picked on by everyone, they called me names and pushed me around.
Star: I can't imagine how that must've felt.
Marco: Yeah, but things just turned around once my dad lost his job. My parents stopped being there for me and just became so nasty towards me. I remember I was so mad that my parents pushed me away so much this guy who used to pick on me everyday pushed me into a wall. *sits up* I just sort of snapped.
Star: What do you mean?
Marco: I threw my books on the ground and I punched him. He got up to swing at me but I couldn't stop. I just kept punching him and kicking him until he bled.
Star: *gasps*

(I was kinda confused Star was so surprised, but I mean she's never known this about me.)

Marco: I was suspended from school and I remember being so angry with everyone around me I continued getting into fights and taking out my frustrations on others.
Star: How come you never told me this?
Marco: I don't know. You already saw me, I didn't think you'd have to know.
Star: Keep going.
Marco: Well my mom thought it would be a good idea to put me in therapy. Turns out I have severe anxiety and of course Intermittent explosive disorder. They gave me Xanax and I got carried away.
Star: I- I know you and Jackie we're together. I just want to know what was that like?
Marco: Really?
Star: *face palms* Sounds crazy right?
Marco: Ughh well she did sorta help with my "addiction".
Star: How?
Marco: *sighs* I'm only saying this because you asked. But she kept a good eye on me and she "took care" of me.
Star: But how?
Marco: I can't really explain it. I have so much hatred for her now I don't even want to think about my time with her.

(I could tell Star was getting frustrated with my answers but I had none. Jackie just really cared about me and made it her job to keep me off of it. I don't want to talk about her now.)

Marco: Sorry. Well that's my story, what's yours?
Star: It's not too interesting I already told you about my family and where I'm from.
Marco: Okay, did you have any ex's?
Star: *blushes* Like one.
Marco: Y-you did?
Star: Yeah.
Marco: So... do you want to talk about it?
Star: His name was Thomas, Tom for short. He was really sweet and charming.
Marco: *rolls eyes* Sweet and Charming really?
Star: Well yes he was. Except he was too predictable and just boring. It wasn't like this.
Marco: And what's this? *crosses arms*
Star: *kisses him* Amazing.
Marco: *clears throat* Good that's great.
Star: *chuckles* Is that everything?
Marco: Yeah.
Star: Okay, now let's actually play a movie.

(Was I jealous? Of some dork? No way, what Star had in the past is in the past. We're good.)

A Bad Boy and His Good GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora