We can't define it (Marco's POV)

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(I haven't spoke to my mom in a while and my relationship with my mom is really shaky now. When I was young my mom was probably one of my biggest motivators but since my dad lost his job she stopped caring about what I did and I guess I stopped caring about what I did too.)

{Friday 5:00pm}
Marco: *sighs* Okay Yeah I think I'll go see my mom
Star: Do you want me to come with you?
Marco: No no i-it's fine, I'll just tell you everything when I get back.
Star: Okay, be safe I love you.
Marco: Love you too babe

(I knocked on my mom's door and when I peeked through the window the house seemed really clean and larger than usual.)
Angie: Marco You're here. I-I didn't know if I'd see you again uh come inside.
Marco: Okay...
Angie: Uhm w-would you like something to drink or like a snack? I just went shopping and I got some food that you might like-
Marco: Are you okay? You seem jumpy or something.
Angie: *sighs* I'm sorry Marco it's just I really missed you and I don't want to pressure you or anything but-
Marco: You want me to live with you?
Angie: Well I do but I understand if you're not ready.
Marco: Mom look ... I have a new life and I guess I still kind of resent you and dad for everything you've done. I don't plan on living with either of you guys.
Angie: Marco sweetie I'm sorry I Really am. I should've been there to help you out. But I want to make up for lost times.
Marco: How? It's not that easy.
Angie: Well Maybe I could see you more often and uh maybe babysit for you if that's possible.
Marco: Maybe.
Angie: Marco I want to be  in your life more than I ever was okay and I at least want to play some role in my grandchild's life.

(I love my mom and she really does seem like she wants to be there for us.)
Marco: *holds her hand* You can
Angie: Really? *hugs him* ughh I missed this , oh my gosh why are you so big?
Marco: Heh uh oh yeah I forgot to tell you.
Angie: Tell me what?
Marco: The baby is a girl and we're naming her Stella.
Angie: A girl? Oh how sweet.
Marco: Yeah... um but where is dad?
Angie: Why, do you want to see him?
Marco: Oh god no!
Angie: Well he moved away, uh he lives in Georgia now. I would've told you but I didn't want to make you upset.
Marco: I'm not, I just wanted to know where he was that's all.

(I guess it was nice to speak to my mom but we haven't had actual conversations in years so it's different now. It's kinda awkward but hey it beats talking to my dad.)
Angie: *clears throat* uhm How's your girlfriend?
Marco: She's Fine.
Angie: D-did she not want to come by
Marco: She can't really walk that much so I told her to stay home.
Angie: Home? Marco I know this situation is different, but you know this is your home right?
Marco: I consider it my home. Plus why do you care I haven't  been living here in like almost a year.
Angie: Oh please you haven't been gone that long
Marco: Uhh I've been gone for 11 months
Angie: Y-you have?
Marco: Yes.... Look Star and her mom were nice enough to let me stay and I do want to stay
Angie: So you'd never come back here?
Marco: I told you already I moved on and I have a new family I'm starting.
Angie: I know but I'm your mother Marco shouldn't I have some say in this.
Marco: You kicked me out! Okay You Kicked Me Out Of The House! You don't get to have a say in what I do now.
Angie: Your father kicked you out!
Marco: And What did you do? Mom I love you but this is my life now and I make the choices. I'm living with Star and her mom.
Angie: Marco you're the only thing I have. I'm all alone here *cries* is it so wrong I want my only child to live with me?
Marco: I'm sorry .... I'm leaving now b-but I'll keep you posted on anything new
Angie: *deep breathe* Okay

(I just had to leave before anything got too heated. My mom got very emotional but I haven't seen her like that in years I didn't know what to do in that situation. I think I've done enough today all I want to do is sleep.)

(I walked back Home to see Star and her mom eating dinner.)
Star: Hey h-how was it?
Moon: Yeah I heard you went to speak to your mom.
Marco: Uh it was fine I guess.
Star: Did you tell her about the baby?
Marco: Yeah, She said she wants to be apart of her life and I said she could.
Moon: Are you going to invite her to the birth?
Marco: I-I don't know... I'm gonna go take a shower and go to sleep
Star: Your not going to eat?
Marco: Uhm nah not tonight

(I took a shower and laid down in bed. I have a lot to process and I'm kinda stressed not just about my mom but everything that's happening.)
{11:19 pm}
Star: Marco are you awake still?
Marco: Yeah
Star: *sits down* Are you okay? I'm worried about you.
Marco: I'm fine.
Star: You're not acting like your usual self. Was it your mom?
Marco: *sighs* I got a lot on my plate and honestly I don't think I could handle it all.
Star: Well whatever it is I'm always going to be here for you *kisses him* we both have a lot going on and I don't want either of us to do it alone.
Marco: Thanks *hugs her*
Star: Come on let's go to sleep it'll calm you down.
Marco: Alright Goodnight.
Star: Goodnight, I love you.
Marco: I love you too.

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