A Family (Star's POV)

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(Marco has been living with  my Mom and I for 2 weeks. He's doing really well and my mom hasn't complained about him once. He sleeps in my room but in a separate bed than mines plus my mom wants us to leave the doors open from now on. I don't totally disagree with her but I just wish we had some privacy.)

{Sunday Morning}
Moon: I'm off to work I'll be out all day, I left some money for dinner if you guys get hungry and if you're leaving the house later just call me.
Star: Okay bye love you
Marco: Thanks Miss B
Moon: No problem. You two behave *leaves*
Star: Well... we're finally alone
Marco: Heh.. yeah do you wanna get busy
Star: *throws pillow at his face* I'm already pregnant you idiot
Marco: Babe I'm just kidding
Star: *hears a knock* Were you expecting anyone?
Marco: No

(I got up to answer the door until someone was banging on it.)
Star: Who the hell is that?
Marco: Have a seat I'll go get it
Star: Okay..
(He opened the door and slammed it close right away.)
Star: Who was that?
Marco: It was my mom. Why is she even here
Star: Well did she want anything?
Marco: I don't know I shut it before she could speak

(I've never met Marco's mom but maybe she wanted to make amends with him.)
Star: Mind if I talk to her?
Marco: Do whatever you want
Star: *runs after Angie* Excuse Mrs.Diaz can we talk
Angie: Who are you? And why is Marco in your house?
Star: I'm his girlfriend... a-and he lives with me because ...I'm pregnant
Angie: You're What? *sighs* great my 16 year old son is gonna be a dad. He is so irresponsible.
Star: But you were the one who kicked him out.
Angie: Well why do you think we kicked him out... anyways I came here because I see him come to your house a lot and I wanted to know how he was doing.
Star: N-now you know..
(She was much nicer to me than his dad was.)
Angie: Could you tell your mother I said thank you... for taking care of him. I-I just can't believe that in a matter of time he's about to start a family

Star: I know it's not the best news you'd want to hear but it was an accident and if you don't approve I completely understand.
Angie: I don't approve but this has nothing to do with me. Like you said we kicked him out and if this is his life and he's happy I should leave him.
Star: He is really happier. He goes to school and he has a job. I think you'd be proud... Do you want to step inside?
(Maybe Marco could just speak with his mother. I'm not expecting that he lives at home again but at least they could talk more.)
Angie: Oh no thank you. Marco obviously doesn't want to see me, he's moved on but here I'll give you my number so if you guys need anything... just uh .. just call me.
Star: Okay, I'll let you know if we do.

(I walked back inside my house and found Marco looking through my clothes.)
Star: What- Are -You -Doing?
Marco: I'm trying to see if you have any real pants like sweats or something
Star: *shuts dresser* Well to answer that no I don't own any sweats. Plus why are you even looking?
Marco: Cuz all you wear is dresses and tights or some leggings
Star: Okay... but anyways I spoke to your mother
Marco: mhm and?
Star: She said she wanted to know how you were doing. She saw you come to my house a lot so that's why she decided to come.
Marco: Why, does she want me back *rolls eyes*
Star: I told her you're happier here and that I'm pregnant
Marco: What the hell? Star why would you tell her that?
Star: Marco she is going to be the grandmother she kind of deserves to know. Relax she... she uh doesn't approve but she's glad your life is on track.
Marco: Star look my parents are liars and they don't care about how I'm doing. They have my number it's not hard to send a text. Just Do Not speak to them.
Star: But-
Marco: I'm serious do not talk to them again

(Marco seemed angry but he did say I could do what I want. I don't know his mom did seem pretty nice. Maybe I'll only tell them something important.)

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