Going Out (Star's POV)

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(Later that day)
Star: Mom! I'm home.
Moon: Hi sweetie how was your first day, did you make any friends?
Star: Yeah I did, his name is Marco. He actually asked to hang out later.
Moon: Oooh is it like a date situation
Star: No mom *laughs* it's nothing like that
(Marco was starting to be nice to me hmm was it a date? No it couldn't be we just met)
Star: Can I go mom?
Moon: Well Star I haven't met him or spoken to his parents.
Star: Please he lives pretty close and he's my only friend
Moon: Oh alright but remember curfew is at 11:00 and always have your cell on you.
Star: Got it. Thanks mom *kisses her on the cheek*

(I took a shower and laid out my clothes. I don't know if I should wear a dress or a skirt, or maybe I should wear some jeans. You know Marco seems laid back maybe I'll wear leggings and a nice shirt)
Star: *cell phone rings* Hello?
Marco: Hey Yeah it's Marco, are you ready?
Star: Yeah I'm ready
Marco: You're not wearing a dress are you?
Star: No why?
Marco: Because we're riding to the destination, you do have a bike right?
Star: Oh No sorry I don't. My mom could drive us if you'd like.
Marco: No no she doesn't have to *sighs* you could ride on the back of my cycle.
Star: Cycle? As in Motorcycle, I-I don't know Marco.
Marco: It's fine I got a spare helmet and some band aids Incase princess gets a booboo.
(It seemed dangerous but I willing to take a little risk)
Star: Ok fine , just don't park in front my mom would freak. Meet me around the corner.
Marco: Fine

(I can't believe I'm doing this, I don't even know where he's taking me I just hope he doesn't kill me)
Marco: Hey over here *tosses helmet to Star*
Star: Thanks... *gets on motorcycle* where exactly are we going
Marco: Relax you'll see

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