Going Out (Marco's POV)

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(When she got on my cycle I felt her hands grab me tight, I could tell she was scared so I drove slow.)
Marco: How ya holding up back there
(When I looked at the mirror I saw her scrunch her nose and close her eyes)
Star: I-I'm fine
Marco: Well we're here queasy
Star: Oh thank goodness *dusts off shirt* Where are we anyways?
Marco: Only the best place to getaway from everyone. Look not everyone knows about this place so don't go blabbing about it.
Star: I won't I promise
(I took her to my secret hiding place in a little cave |don't worry it's clean| where I set up my own personal stuff. Look she doesn't have friends and I strangely trust her)

Star: Why did you take me here?
Marco: Why, is it not up to your standards? I knew I shouldn't have taken you.
Star: No no I love it, It's so beautiful but why take Me here?
Marco: I guess cuz your not like everyone else.
Star: Oh is that a good thing?
Marco: Ok you ask way too many questions.
Star: *shivers* Sorry uh bad habit.

(Okay something about her is somewhat mesmerizing. I actually want to speak to her and tell her things)
Marco: Are you cold? Or hungry I keep a cooler with sandwiches behind the couch.
Star: Yeah a little *smiles*
(Her smiles are warm. She's so different it's like no matter how hard I try I can't bug her. I gave her a blanket I kept in a little trunk)

Star: Wow thank you. It's so warm.
Marco: *sits next to her and gives her a sandwich* I don't know what you like so here's peanut butter and jelly.
Star: Thank you, pb&j is my favorite.
Marco: Star?
Star: Yeah?
(She put her sandwich down and looked into my eyes. Shit, why the hell are her eyes so big and blue)

Marco: What did you think when you first met me?
(She shrugged and smiled)
Star: I thought you'd be mean until you've showed me true kindness. You took me to your own safe place even though we just met. Marco I think you're a good friend.
(Star makes me feel things I've never felt about anyone. This connection it's...it's amazing)
Marco: Good to know. Your not a bad friend yourself

(We laughed and played  games all night)
Star: Oh my gosh Mom's gonna kill me it's 10:47
Marco: Here take a helmet I'll get you there quick.
Star: Ok
(I drove her home safely and just in time. She held tight the whole ride)
Star: Thank you so much. *gives Marco his helmet* I had a great time
(As she was walking something was just gnawing at me. Just Do It Diaz)
Marco: Hey Star wait!
Star: Yeah?
(I grabbed her by hand and kissed her. She seemed shocked but she kissed back)
Star: *Holds Marco's cheek* Goodnight Marco
(She smiled again damn her smiles are gorgeous)

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