What did I just do (Marco's POV)

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(The next day was Jackie's mother's funeral. Jackie had called me but to make Star feel better about me going I put her on speaker so she could hear our conversation. Star said she didn't mind but I don't want her to think I'm lying or anything.)

{Sunday Morning}
Marco: Bye guys I'll be back later
Star: Bye.. uhm tell Jackie *sighs* never mind it's a bit awkward
Marco: It's okay I know what you mean

(When I arrived at the funeral Jackie escorted me into a small church. I wasn't really sure what to expect but there were little to no people there. It was just me and Jackie, her grandma and a few of her aunts and uncles but that was all, I-it was kinda sad. I saw Jackie in this way I'd never seen her she was just broken.)

(After the burial I found Jackie alone on a bench outside.)
Marco: Are you okay?
Jackie: *sniffles* Yea- I'm ugh I'm ok. Thanks for coming I know we're not together anymore but it means a lot you showed up
Marco: I'd show up either way. Your mom was a part of my life too
Jackie: *cries* I don't know what to do she was really all I had and *gasping for air* I can't do this alone
Marco: Look I know things have been shaky with you and Star but whatever you need just ask. You don't need to be alone
Jackie: T-thank you
Marco: It's really no problem *hugs her*
Jackie: *kisses him*

(She kissed me. So much was rushing through my head.)
Marco: Woah
Jackie: *panics* I'm so sorry I was just in the  moment and everything was-
Marco: *stands up* No no it's fine just excuse me I need to use the bathroom
(What should I do. I can't just leave her here alone but I can't just stay and have her like me more. I walked back towards Jackie .)
Jackie: Are you okay
Marco: Yeah
Jackie: What was it? Was the kiss bad?
Marco: Huh? No I mean what?
Jackie: Please Marco you're all I have *wipes eyes* just please don't leave me again
Marco: Look Jackie I'm here for you. But I'm dating Star we're about to have a baby. We can't be together you know this we can't just-
Jackie: I love you!

(Hearing those words come out of her mouth was like poison. I loved Jackie at one point of my life but now I love Star. I can't just choose because I know I belong with Star.)
Marco: Jackie I Loved you
Jackie: *cries* so why can't we make it work
Marco: Because I'm with Star! I love Star! I'm in love with Star! And I want to stay with her. Jackie I said I'll be there for you no matter what but this, this has to stop.
Jackie: No you don't Marco! You love me and I'll  never stop until you realize you feel the same way I do. *throws rose at him* just leave! *cries*
Marco: Fine but just remember what I told you

(When I left it was bittersweet. I'd finally professed my love to Star out loud to someone but it was hard seeing Jackie be upset. I don't know what to do about her but I know I have to tell Star.)

{Sunday Afternoon}
Marco: I'm home
Star: Oh I'm in the room
Marco: Star I have to tell you something
Star: What is it?
Marco: *clears throat* I just want you to listen before anything
Star: You're making me nervous what's wrong
Marco: After the funeral I went to speak to Jackie and I told her that she isn't alone through all of this
Star: That's very nice and mature of you. What that was it?
Marco: Jackie... she kissed me.
Star: *stands up fast* What!
Marco: Listen I told her to stop. And she told me that she loved me.
Star: So... what you want her back or something? Marco I had my doubts about you going but the reason why I insisted you went was because of your relationship with Jackie's family. I didn't want you to fall back in love with her.
Marco: But Star that's the thing I'm not falling back in love with her. I told her that. You know what else I told her
Star: What?
Marco: I told her that I love you. Star you're the only one that I love.
Star: You what?
Marco: I love you *holds her hands* I love everything about you and I don't want to be with Jackie. I want to stay here with you and become great parents with you. I want someone who motivates me and someone who cares all the time and that's you. I can't have that with Jackie.
Star: Marco I love you too. *kisses him*

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