Change my life (Marco's POV)

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{Thursday 10:53am}
Marco: Ughh I'm so bored
Star: I know but I really can't do much with my belly in the way. I can't even walk long distances.
(We both heard a knock at the door)
Marco: Who's that?
Star: I don't know but could you get it please *points at stomach*
Marco: Fine but after Stella's born you're getting the door
Star: *blows kiss* Thanks, love you
Marco: *opens door* Jackie? W-what are you doing here?
Jackie: I realized that I really need to talk to you
Star: Marco who's at the door
Marco: Uhh just some Nuns

(I had to lie to Star I mean Jackie can't be within 10 feet of her.)
Marco: Jackie you can't be here
Jackie: I know but it's important. Marco I know you were just trying to be a good friend and I took it too far I'm sorry.
Marco: It's okay you were going through some tough shit. But the kiss , you shouldn't have done that
Jackie: Yeah I guess I forgot we weren't together... Marco you're probably the only person in this world who understands me
(I really don't understand her, she's twisted.)
Marco: Well I know what it's like to lose someone
Jackie: No um that's not what I meant-
Star: *opens door* Jackie? Why are you at my house ,you do realize I have the rights to call the cops.
Jackie: I was just here to talk to Marco
Star: Oh.. look I'm sorry about your loss but I really don't think it's appropriate for you to speak with him alone anymore
Jackie: Why because I kissed him?
Star: Umm yeah.
Marco: *puts hand on Star's shoulder* Look let's not get out of hand
Star: Marco don't touch me. I am sick of you lying all the time.
Marco: What?
Star: Every single time you're around Jackie you lie! Just tell me the truth! It's not that hard it really isn't.
Jackie: Star you need to calm down
Star: No! First you threatened me and you kissed my boyfriend and now you're telling me what to do at my own house.
Jackie: Me and Marco have history you don't understand it.
Star: Well now we have history in the making and it doesn't matter what you two had it's over now so just stop trying to pry into my life because your jealousy is getting the best of you! I think you should leave now.

(I find it really hot when Star gives an attitude to someone. Except I hope she isn't still mad at me.)
Jackie: Sure thing princess *walks away*
Marco: Heh you showed her
Star: *rolls eyes*
Marco: Are you okay?
Star: No
Marco: Well what's wrong?
Star: *deep inhale* Look I have a lot of emotions right now and I don't want to express them all. But the lying Marco! Why? I told you already you can just tell me the truth but no you lie again! I'm over it okay I'm tired of it. Just leave me alone right now.
Marco: Star I'm-
Star: Please just leave me alone.

(Star's never yelled at me like that before. Jackie used to lie to me all the time and now I'm lying to Star. I don't want to lose Star ever. I need to make it up to her.)
Moon: Star, Marco? I'm home and I brought some dinner.
Star: I'm in my room.
(Star has been in bed all day and hasn't spoken a word to me since. I kinda eavesdropped on their conversation.)
Moon: What's wrong Star?
Star: *cries* My heart hurts
Moon: *caresses her face* Awww sweetie what's wrong?
Star: Marco and I got into a fight.. he just keeps lying to me whenever he's near Jackie or he's doing something with her.
Moon: Lies? Well what does he lie about?
Star: I can't even begin to explain it.... Mom I love him a lot. I don't want to lose him to Jackie but he keeps hiding things from me.
Moon: Maybe he wants to protect you from her
Star: *sniffles* Maybe but I told him he doesn't have to hide things from me. He could be honest with me.
Moon: He has to be able to understand that. Normally I'd tell you to brush it off but you two are in a whole other dilemma. I want you guys to work it out seriously. But just remember, if things get too out of hand it isn't a bad thing to call it quits.

(I can't ruin what I have with Star. I ran to a little flower store and picked up a bouquet for her.)
Moon: So this is your romantic gesture
Marco: Is it tacky? Do you think she'll like it.
Moon: Their Fine but I hope you find the right words to say to her. And next time please  just tell her everything, us Butterfly's love to know what's going on.
Marco: I will, I'm sorry Miss.B
Moon: It's okay but I'm not the one you should be apologizing to
(I knocked on Star's door.)
Star: Come in
Marco: Star, I'm really sorry *gives her flowers*
Star: Thank you
Marco: Star I love you and I want to be with you for a very long time. I should never have lied or hid things from you. I only did that because it's Jackie and I never wanted you to get worked up over her.
Star: Marco I love you too it's just I really want to be able to put all of my trust in you and I don't want to feel hesitant to do so.
Marco: I messed up a lot and I'm happy you gave me so many chances.
Star: It's because I care about you.

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