Fresh Start (Star's POV)

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(Today is the day Marco comes back home. It was such a shock to see him in that state I don't know what I'd do if I lost him. I need him in my life and I need him in Stella's life. Maybe if I watch him closely and make sure he takes care of himself he'd be alright, that was so scary. I wish I could bring Stella with me today but mom says it's not a good idea to take a newborn to a hospital full of sick people, so she's home with Laila the nanny.)

Moon: Here honey , you go see Marco and I'll go check him out.
Star: Okay *walks down hallway*
Marco: Who is it?
Star: *sits on the bed* It's me. *kisses him* I missed you so much last night.
Marco: *hugs her* I missed you too. I'm ready to leave this place. I hate hospitals.
Star: I'm ready for you to come back home. I-Uh I never got to say sorry.
Marco: Sorry? For what?
Star: For breaking up with you. I know you tried your best to end things with Jackie but I guess I was too stubborn to see how hard you worked.
Marco: No Star I'm sorry. I should've already handled things with Jackie a long time ago, I never meant to get you roped into everything.
Star: But it wasn't your fault.
Marco: Well I don't blame you for wanting to end things with us.
Star: Yeah but it was a mistake *lays next to him* you're the only one for me.
Marco: *holds her hand* You're the only one for me.

(We just laid there for a little, in silence just enjoying this small amount of time we had together. It was peaceful hopefully we get to share more times like this in the future.)

Moon: *walks in* Okay everything is in check, are you ready to go?
Marco: I am, also thank you Ms.B you didn't have to do this.
Moon: *hugs him* Marco it's okay, I would've been here either way.
Star: Well what're we waiting for let's go home.
Doctor: *enters* Congratulations on going home but do I have some news.
Star: Is everything okay?
Doctor: Yes yes everything is fine it's just my colleagues and I have had a little discussion.
Marco: About?
Doctor: Well we think it would be best if you were to see our psychiatrist weekly.
Moon: Any specific reasons why?
Doctor: Well one of our psychiatrists saw Marco earlier and she believes that it would be a good idea for her to check in with him more frequently.
Marco: I already told her I don't want to talk.
Star: *whispers* Maybe you should.
Marco: No I'm not talking to random people about my problems!
Doctor: Then how will you get better?
Marco: *sighs* Look I don't know how many I times I have to say it. I just  wasn't hungry that's it, nothing else there is no psychological problem because of it. I know myself and I know a  Shrink won't fix anything. So I'm sorry but I won't do it.
Doctor: Fine, but remember all we're trying to do is help you.
Marco: *puts on hoodie* Thanks.
Doctor: *whispers to Moon* I really think he'll benefit from seeing a psychiatrist.
Moon: *shrugs* I-I I don't know.
Doctor: Okay, it's never too late. Also don't forget to watch him and make sure he  is eating regularly.
Moon: Anything else we should be worried about?
Doctor: Just be sure to call if you notice any out of the ordinary behavior.
Moon: I will.

(In the car Marco didn't speak but I didn't push him to. What happened back there? I hope he's okay.)

{Star's House}
Moon: Are you two hungry?
Star: Yeah
Marco: *nods head*
Moon: So how about I cook something and you two can go watch Stella.
Star: Okay.
Marco: *picks up Stella* Hey, d-did you miss me?
Stella: *smiles*
Marco: Star come look she's smiling!
Star: Really? *gasps* She's so adorable, I guess she really did miss you.
Marco: I missed you so much *kisses Stella's forehead*
Star: *sighs*
Marco: Are you okay?
Star: Yeah, Are you okay?
Marco: I'm fine, why?
Star: Well you kind of snapped at the doctor back there.

(I didn't want to upset Marco but things like this we have to talk about, I don't want him to end up in this situation again. He just looked down and stayed quiet it was very weird. I haven't seen him act like this before, I've seen him angry but this was something else and I couldn't recognize it.)

Marco: *wipes eyes*
Star: *puts hand on his cheek* Marco whatever it is you can tell me. I'm here for you.
Marco: *lays down Stella* I lied.
Star: Lied? What did you lie about?
Marco: I.... I knew what I was doing , killing myself slowly. *sniffles* Star I'm sorry.
Star: *hugs him* No no no don't apologize.
Marco: I thought, I- I thought you'd hate me.
Star: *tears up* Why would I hate you?
Marco: Look at everything I've done to you. Right before Stella was born I kept having these thoughts.
Star: Thoughts?
Marco: That... maybe you'd be better off without me. That maybe things would be better if I was.. dead.
Star: Please Marco. Please don't say that. *cries*
Marco: But you don't get it. *cries* Even before I met you, Death seemed like the best option for.... a very long time. I thought Stella would be better off not knowing how horrible her dad is.
Star: Marco look at me. *wipes his eyes* You are so important. Before I met you my life wasn't the best but look what happened. We're here together, right now w-with our daughter, your daughter. I can't even express how much you mean to me. When I saw you unconscious I thought I had lost you and I don't know what I'd do without you in my life. You are one of the best things that's ever happened to me. I've never met someone who is more loving and caring than you. Stella needs you, I need you.

(I have never seen Marco cry before. Just looking into his eyes I could see how much pain he's gone through I just never knew that he held all of this inside. I can't believe he didn't want to live.)
Marco: *hugs her* I love the both of you.
Star: So please don't leave us.
Marco: I won't.
Star: We don't have to tell anyone about this, if you truly feel therapy or something won't help I believe you.
Marco: Thank you.
Star: Are you tired?
Marco: Yeah.
Star: *rubs his head* Get some sleep I'll tell my mom you'll eat later.

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