It's Over (Star's POV)

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(Marco came back into the house and I knew something was off.)

Star: What happened out there? Are you okay?
Marco: You were right. It's Jackie.
Star: Wait Jackie is the one taking those pictures of us? See I told you she's crazy, look I didn't want to get the cops involved but I think we probably-
Marco: No! I mean we can't.
Star: *rocks baby* shh and what do you mean we can't?
Marco: My friend- well this girl was helping Jackie but she really needed to.
Star: So you're just gonna let it slide?
Marco: No I mean she just can't get in trouble because of her past. She's been to Jail before.
Star: Marco please help me understand.
Marco: *sits* Okay my old friend Janna was taking pictures to give to Jackie because she was willing to pay her. I don't want the cops involved because she's been to jail for stealing money to help her mom.
Star: Okay I understand you don't want her to get into any trouble but *panics* what if Jackie goes to even more extreme lengths. Like what if she wants to hurt me or Stella.
Marco: *caresses her cheek* Look at me. I already told you that would never happen and I promise that.
Star: *hugs baby* I trust you.
Marco: I'm gonna end this.
Star: What do you mean?
Marco: I'm tired of Jackie ruining our lives and I won't give her the chance to even try to hurt Stella.
Star: But what are you going to do?
Marco: *grabs jacket* Talk.
Star: *grabs his hand* Marco please be careful.
Marco: *kisses her* I will *rubs baby's head* I'll make it quick.

(I am really worried. Jackie is just tormenting is at this point and who knows what she'll do next. I can't believe she'd hire someone to take pictures of us. Ughh it's making me sick I'm so afraid for Stella.)

{9:00 am}
Marco: Star?
Star: *whispers* I'm in the room.
Marco: Okay. I got everything situated.
Star: Really? What did you say?
Marco: I warned her not to come near us in any form.
Star: That's it?
Marco: Yeah I mean she did take it pretty seriously and if anything I'll call the cops and explain she was extorting us.
Star: But didn't you say-
Marco: Yeah but I'll try to leave Janna out of it. *sighs* After everything I am tired.
Star: Me too. *puts blanket over him* You can sleep.
Marco: Aren't you tired, why aren't you sleeping?
Star: I would but I really want to watch Stella. I don't know it's like I have to watch her every move.
Marco: *hugs her tight* She's fine,  Star I know you're exhausted. If it makes you feel better I can stay up and watch her.
Star: No no you you need your sleep.
Marco: Babe you haven't slept in a while. Everything is okay. *closes curtains, locks door* We're safe, if anything we'll wake up when Stella starts to cry or something.
Star: I don't know...
Marco: Star come on, can you at least take a 2 hour nap.
Star: Okay fine *lies down holding baby*
Marco: *kisses her forehead* I care about you
I just want you to be okay.
Star: Me too.

(I've always prayed for this, for somebody to understand me and care about me. For so long it's only been me and mom but ever since Marco came into my life I feel complete. He makes me feel safe and comfortable and I wouldn't trade him for anything. I love him but I just wish he didn't come with baggage. Sometimes I feel like the whole Jackie situation is too much to deal with. I mean at first it was annoying but now it's getting scary and I feel so paranoid that something might happen to Stella.)

{1:00 pm}
Marco: *yawns* Star? Are you awake?
Star: *rolls over*
Marco: *pats her back* Star?
Star: Huh?
Marco: Are you okay?
Star: Yeah.. why?
Marco: You were crying in your sleep.
Star: Oh-
Marco: *phone rings* Shit uh lemme take this real quick. *leaves* (10 min)
Star: Um okay.
Marco: *enters*
Star: So.. who was it?
Marco: It was Janna. She told me that Jackie wants to talk to you.
Star: Why? Nothing is going to change the way I feel. She's a freaking psycho *ties hair up*
Marco: Look I know it's crazy that she wants to speak with you but I think you should. I mean the two of you haven't spoken about any of this with each other.
Star: Well tell Jane I said no.
Marco: Janna.
Star: Ughh whatever Janna, Jackie I've had enough of people trying to ruin my life.
Marco: It's gonna be ok.
Star: No Marco! It's not gonna be ok. For how long do I have to deal with this. One second it's Jackie then it's your mom now Janna and all you do is say it's gonna be ok. Marco I love you that's why I've stayed and we have a child together but I just can't.
Marco: Can't what?
Star: *crying* I can't be with you. There is so much in life I want to enjoy but I just can't with all of this drama I'm being dragged into and it's because of you.
Marco: Star I love you too. I promise you we could move past all of this shit.
Star: No I'm sorry but your promises aren't good enough. I've done the best I could.
Marco: Now what? W-we're done? You and Stella are the best things in my life.
Star: Marco face it, what good could you get if Jackie is constantly coming for us. I really do love you but I think it's best if we aren't together.
Marco: Really, just like that? *shaky* Please Star don't do this!
Star: *tremble* y-you should go.

(My heart hurts. I can't believe it.)

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