Where I belong (Marco's POV)

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(To know that Star technically saved my life yesterday just makes me extremely grateful. Yeah Jackie might've helped me when I was dealing with my "problem" but Star never tried to hurt me. Within like a year of knowing her it's crazy we rushed into this so fast but maybe it was meant to be.)

Nurse: How are you feeling?
Marco: Okay.
Nurse: Aren't you a lucky one. The doctor was very worried that you wouldn't make it.
Marco: I guess I am pretty lucky.
Nurse: Well I'm just going to check your vitals. Also since you are a minor your doctor wants you to see a psychiatrist before you're discharged.
Marco: *sits up* What, why?
Nurse: *checks blood pressure* Oh no honey relax, he only wants to make sure you are mentally stable. You've been starving yourself.
Marco: I wasn't trying to starve myself. I-I just wasn't hungry that's it.
Nurse: Mm-hm... but it is mandatory.
Marco: *sighs* Okay
Nurse: We're all done here *moves cart* the psychiatrist should be here at 9:00 so I suggest you get some sleep.
Marco: I'll try.

(What am I going to say. I mean I wasn't trying to kill myself I just didn't want to eat anything. I hate hospitals I don't want to stay here any longer, I've already been eating and stuff. I feel normal I guess.)

Dr.Bernice: Hi are you Marco?
Marco: *shakes head*
Dr.Bernice: Nice to meet you, I'm your psychiatrist Dr.Bernice. I'm just here to talk to you a little about what happened. How are you doing?
Marco: I'm fine *shrugs*
Dr.Bernice: Okay now could you tell me a little bit about what happened?
Marco: My girlfriend broke up with me and I left . She came looking for me and she saw me passed out so she called 911.
Dr.Bernice: Did you stop eating because she broke up with you or prior?
Marco: I guess I stopped eating right before my daughter was born.
Dr.Bernice: And you are 16 right?
Marco: Yeah.
Dr.Bernice: Could it be that the stress of you becoming a father has made you not want to eat?
Marco: *cracks knuckles* Maybe.
Dr.Bernice: Have you been to Therapy or anything during this time?
Marco: Not during the time, like a couple of years ago.
Dr.Bernice: And why did you go?

(All theses questions are getting really annoying I just want to go back home and see Star and Stella. This lady doesn't know me, how is she gonna help me.)

Marco: Anxiety *gets up* Uh I have to use the bathroom real quick.
Dr.Bernice: Go right ahead.
Marco: *calls Star* Hello?
Star: Marco, are you okay?
Marco: I'm fine but when are you coming?
Star: I was planning on coming earlier but my mom and I may have to pick you up at 1-2.
Marco: Ughh okay.
Star: What's wrong?
Marco: Nothing nothing I Uh I just want to see Stella.
Star: Soon I promise.
Marco: Okay bye
Star: Bye *hangs up*

Dr.Bernice: May I ask you something?
Marco: I mean you've been asking me questions this whole time so..
Dr.Bernice: Are you nervous?
Marco: No.
Dr.Bernice: Angry?
Marco: No.
Dr.Bernice: Afraid or Sad?
Marco: No and No. Look I'm gonna say this for the last time. I didn't starve myself I just wasn't feeling hungry. I don't have some eating disorder and I don't want to do this anymore. I'm fine I'm perfectly fine it was just an accident.
Dr.Bernice: If you wish for this session to stop we can.
Marco: Thank you!
Dr.Bernice: But I do want to speak to you again.
Marco: What why?
Dr.Bernice: I know I've only just met you but I've been working with adolescences for years and I do feel you may still have anxiety.
Marco: I do but I'm fine.
Dr.Bernice: Are you sure?
Marco: Yes, me and my girlfriend are back together and she makes my problems... never mind.
Dr.Bernice: Why do you think it's hard for you to share your feelings?
Marco: It's not *rolls eyes* I thought we were done why are still asking me questions?
Dr.Bernice: Because I see your frustrations.
Marco: No you don't. You don't know me and you don't know what I've been through.
Dr.Bernice: Yes and that's why I want to help you.
Marco: I don't need your help! I said I'm done okay.
Dr.Bernice: Okay *leaves room*

(Why does everything think they can just fix me. I'm not a project or some broken clock. I'm perfectly fine I mean Star really is the only one in my life who understands me. The people who want to pry into my life the most haven't even been around to see what's going on. I just want to leave this stupid hospital.)

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