Our day (Star's POV)

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(I feel like I'm  having a full on panic attack. I don't know if I ever should've invited Janna. How could Jackie be so evil. Janna and Jackie barely even know me and yet they've caused me so much much pain. I would never do this to anyone else. I don't truly know if whatever happened with Jackie will be the end. )

{10:07 am}
Star: Marco I just feel so drained *sniffles*
Marco: Can I tell you something?
Star: *nods head*
Marco: You already know I love you, I tell you everyday. You're literally one of the smartest people I know. Having said that, I don't think I tell you enough that you're extremely strong.
Star: No I'm not, I'm falling apart. *cries*
Marco: Yes you are. From everything you've told me I have no idea how you're even able to turn around and smile. I can't do that, but you manage to deal with your problems while helping people too. You've had it worse than me and the fact that you haven't given up just shows that you're strong.
Star: I don't feel strong at all.
Marco: Me and you have been through a lot of tough moments, even some together. Every time I look at you I feel guilty. I'm the one who's brought you all of these problems. Even so, the way you're able to stay and love someone like me unconditionally is amazing. I've never met someone like you before.
Star: *hugs him*

(I just hugged him. For so long we didn't even speak, he just held me in his arms. I think about it, if I hadn't met him how would my life turn out? Even though these have been the hardest times in my life, he still stayed, he made me feel wanted, and he made me feel loved. I don't think I could ever have these feelings about Marco with anyone else. I'm young and I may be naive but I've felt heartache before, he's never hurt me with intentions. I can't blame him for someone else's wrong doings, which is why I don't want to give up. I keep getting hurt but he's always been there for me no matter what.)

Moon: *comes downstairs* Star? What was all that noise?
Star: *wipes eyes quickly* Um, I was talking to- I well...  I invited someone.
Moon: Star sweetie are you crying?
Star: What? No no I'm fine now.
Moon: Are you sure? *feels Star's cheek* Your eyes are puffy and you so look pale.
Star: Mom I'm fine I swear.
Moon: If you say so, please eat some breakfast though. But who did you invite this early in the morning.
Star: Umm one of Marco's friends from the neighborhood. She was out for a jog and I invited her in for a little.
Moon: Oh well alright please just keep it down.
Marco: We will Ms.B
Moon: I'm going back to sleep, remember to check on Stella.*goes upstairs*
Star: I was just about to do that, come on Marco. *walks upstairs*

Marco: *closes door* Why'd you lie to your mom?
Star: I don't want my mom to be any more worried. Plus I don't want to explain to my mom that someone has pictures of us "together".
Marco: I guess you're right. But are you okay though?
Star: *caresses Stella's hair* I'm not feeling the best.
Marco: Get dressed.
Star: Why?
Marco: Lets go outside for a walk with Stella.
Star: Okay, could you watch her while I go take a shower?
Marco: Yeah, take as long as you want.

(I think I spent an hour in the bathroom just thinking about everything. I keep having this thought, what if I had done something differently? But I can't change the past. I have to stay positive, my grandma would want me to be happy. I love my family and although there are people who want to take that away from me I won't let it happen.)

Star: I'm ready, I'll go get Stella dresses while you take a shower.
Marco: Okay. *takes a shower*
{11:15 am}
Marco: Are you ready to go?
Star: Yeah, I picked out a cute little dress for her.
Marco: She looks adorable. Take her downstairs and I'll go get the stroller.
Star: Okay, come on baby *picks up Stella*
Marco: *buckles her in stroller* I guess we can walk around the neighborhood.
Star: Maybe we can find a place to pick up some breakfast.
Marco: What do you want to eat?
Star: You could pick.
Marco: *walking outside* Um I'm not really hungry.
Star: *pushes stroller behind him* But you have to eat something.
Marco: When I eat I feel sick, I don't know why though.
Star: Maybe it's because your stomach just has to adjust. You weren't eating for a while. You could try eating small portions.
Marco: I guess. *shrugs*
Star: We could go to the market and get some granola bars and protein drinks.
Marco: Okay. *puts arm over her shoulder*  How do you feel?
Star: *sighs* I feel like crap.
Marco: Why?
Star: I shouldn't have yelled at you this morning and I should've never called Janna. Just everything's got me on edge and I don't know what to do.
Marco: I know we talk about everything together but maybe you should try talking to another person too.
Star: I love my mom but I don't want to share a lot with her.
Marco: Is there anyone else you could talk to.
Star: I did have a really good friend back home. But I haven't spoken to her in a long time.
Marco: Call her sometimes, I don't know maybe that would be good for you.
Star: Maybe, oh my gosh I didn't even tell her I had a baby. What kind of friend am I?
Marco: Star relax. There was a lot going on you could just explain it to her.
Star: I don't even know if I want to share it with her. Then I'd have to talk about everything from the beginning and sometimes remembering that stuff just makes me upset.
Marco: It's okay. You don't have to tell anyone if you don't want to. But I want you to feel good. Do whatever you have to do in order to be happy.
Star: Being with you and Stella makes me feel better. *kisses Stella* I need to be focused on my family.
Marco: *kisses Star* Good.

(Even when I feel horrible I just remind myself of the important people still left in my life. My mom has been super supportive and loving towards everyone. Marco hasn't left my side from the beginning. Stella is exactly what I needed in my life, she makes me so happy whenever I look at her.)

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