Leave (Star's POV)

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(Something seemed off about Marco I thought he really liked me.)
Star: Are you sure everything is okay?
Marco: I said I was fine! Back off!
Star: You're obviously not. Look if you didn't want me to show up you could've said something.
(When I was about to leave I felt him grab my hand, He seemed nervous it was new)
Marco: Star *takes a deep breath* I don't want you to go. I've just had... a lot on my plate.
Star: Marco I told you everything last night. I know we just met but you can trust me... I like you
(The thing was I do like Marco a lot and I trust him)
Marco: My parents kicked me out. I have nowhere else to go. Happy Now?
(His own parents kicked him out?  I don't know if it's something he did or if they're just really horrible)

(I held his hands and I felt them get warmer)
Star: Y-you could come stay with me
Marco: No Way your mom will let me stay.
Star: Well you can't live in this Cave it's not safe
Marco: I've been in much more dangerous places I can handle myself
Star: I don't know but here *gives him $50* It's not much but this is to get you started
Marco: Star I'm not taking your money
It's fine I'll go get a job at McDonald's or something

(I was really worried about him but he's tough I know he is. Maybe he could handle himself)
Star: Okay just be safe. *gets a text from Moon* Oh uh I gotta go but I'll check in on you later
Marco: Bye Star
(I'm going to talk to Marco's parents hopefully they'll take him back)

Star: *knocks on Diaz door*
Rafael: Who are you?
Star: I'm a friend of Marco's and Sir I wanted to ask you something
Rafael: Actually let me ask you something little girl. You've got some nerve coming here. Are you the reason he came home late?
Star: I thought he came home at 11:30
Rafael: He got here at 1am. What were you two doing?
Star: We were playing games yesterday! Besides why did you kick your teenage son out of your house?
Rafael: None of your goddamn business now go and take yourself home.
(His father's attitude was absolutely disgusting and I could smell the liquor on his breath when he yelled. I might as well go home his dad doesn't seem reasonable)

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