What Do We Do Now (Marco's POV)

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Marco: Pregnant?
(So much was rushing through my head. We can't have a kid not now.)
Star: I said I might be.
Marco: We used a condom that night. Didn't we?
Star: Oh my gosh  I don't remember. *starts to cry* Marco what are we going to do.
Marco: Star it's fine. We don't know for sure , after school we could buy a pregnancy test.
(She cried for a really long time and honestly I don't blame her. What if she was pregnant I don't even have a home and I'm not allowed into her's.)

{After School}
Star: I don't want to go in the store
Marco: You want me to buy a pregnancy test?
Star: Will You Please lower your voice. I really really don't want to go in there.
Marco: Ok fine. You could take it at the shelter after.
Star: Okay

(I bought the pregnancy test and we went back to the shelter. Thank god I have my own room.)
Marco: Are you ready?
Star: I don't know
Marco: Do you want me to go in there with you
Star: No I just need a second alone
Marco: Ok
(She went into the bathroom and came right back out. She was just shaking)
Marco: What happened is it positive?
Star: I don't know yet we have to wait...
(Waiting seemed like forever. She was crying in my arms the whole time.)
Marco: Star do you want to check it or should I?
Star: *sniffles* I'll do it
Marco: Okay So what does it say
( Her eyes widened and she just broke down.)
Star: *crying* I-it's it's Positive. What do we do now?
Marco: I-I-I don't know but I do know you have to tell your mom.
Star: But I've been lying to her for months and s-she doesn't even know we're a couple.
Marco: You can't keep this from her... I'll go with you and I'll explain everything to her and if she doesn't accept me I'll just work harder to support you.
Star: You're really willing to do that?
Marco: Yeah *hugs her*

(I took her home and I had to be ready to tell her mom.)
Moon: Hi honey. Oh *waves to Marco* Hi who are you.
Star: This is Marco... my boyfriend
Marco: Hi miss Butterfly
Moon: Oooh how cute. Come on in.
(She was really nice and inviting but I don't know how she'd react to the news.)
Moon: So Marco would you like a Snack or something
Star: Mom I have to tell you something really important and could you please promise not to be mad. *tears up*
Moon: Star what's wrong? You can  tell me anything.
Marco: She's Pregnant
Moon: What?! Star is this some kind of joke
Star: *cries* No... Mom it's the truth please don't be mad at Marco
Moon: But you've guys only recently been together how- how?
Marco: We've been together for a couple of months. Star didn't tell you because she didn't want you to think I was a bad influence because my parents kicked me out and I'm homeless.
Moon: Homeless? Do you're parents know about any of this.
Marco: No I haven't spoken to them in months.

(I could tell Her Mom was really upset about the news and I understood she wanted to know more about me.)
Moon: Star I'm not mad but why weren't you two more careful? And why did you lie to me for this long?
Star: I don't know what I was thinking. I wasn't rushed though and Marco didn't force me to do anything I didn't want to. It was an accident.
Moon: I know but now you two have a child to take care of and that is very serious. I know that you guys are young but now is the time to grow up.
Marco: I have a job and I just recently went back to school to get my G.E.D I know it's not much but I'm willing to contribute as much as I can. For Star and the baby.
Moon: I'm glad to hear that you are being very mature in this situation. Where are you staying now?
Marco: Santa Maria Homes
Moon: Alone?
Marco: Yeah but I do have my own room.
Moon: Marco I don't think you should be staying in a place like that... *sighs* Okay this is probably the last thing I wanted to hear today but I need you two to understand this is not easy especially when you're young.

(She was really understanding and calm but I could tell she was hurting inside.)
Moon: Marco I think you should stay with us
Marco: Really? Thank you
Moon: It's no problem but there will be rules that the both of you have to abide by now.
Star: What kind of rules?
Moon: You are not allowed to leave any doors locked or shut. Neither of can be in the restroom together. Star I want you to get a job also.
(Her rules didn't seem so harsh really.)
Star: Okay we understand.

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