Sick (Star's POV)

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This is a longer chapter

(So Marco is coming back to school and I'm so excited. I visit him at the shelter a lot. It's not that bad at least he gets his own room and shower. I also drop off food and clothes for him I think he really appreciates it I just wish we could be alone again that would be nice.)

{Monday Morning}
(I woke up with the sickest feeling ever. I almost threw up on my sheets this morning. I might have the flu but I'm going to suck it up to be there on Marco's first day.)
Star: *calls Marco* Hey are ready for today
Marco: Yeah I guess so
Star: Well either way I'm glad you're coming
Marco: I'm glad we could spend more time together babe
(Ok my heart kind of melts when he calls me pet names.)
Marco: Hey Come outside I'm down the street
Star: Coming
Marco: *snickers*
Star: Not funny

(We walked to school together. Principal Skeeves wasn't totally excited to see Marco again but I assured him that he wouldn't be any problem. We walked into lunch together and he put his arm around my waist. I could not stop blushing.)
Star: Sorry I know you hate going to the cafeteria but I did pack some lunch for us.
Marco: Great what's on the menu
Star: Well I made Chicken Piccata
Marco: Smells good

(We ate and talked about how things were going. Marco hung his arm over my shoulder and kissed me. I still felt a bit nauseous and I prayed that I wouldn't vomit in his mouth but I held it down. Everything was going good until Jackie approached us. I never really spoke to her but she seemed angry at me.)

Jackie: So What's going on here?
Star: Oh I-I'm Sorry is this your seat? Here we'll move if you want.
Jackie: No! I mean why are you kissing Marco?
Marco: Because she's my girlfriend Jackie
Jackie: So you dump me for this bitch
Star: What are you talking about?
Jackie: Oh so lover boy didn't tell you? I used to have him wrapped around my finger and now he's with... You!
Marco: Jackie it's over leave Star alone! Jesus we dated a year ago get over it!
Jackie: I'll do whatever the hell want
(She flipped my plate over on my dress.)
Star: What the heck!! Why did you that?
Jackie: *walks up to Star* Because I can
Marco: I said leave her alone Jackie!
( I felt so sick and queasy and then I-I-I just Puked on her.)

Jackie: MY SHOES!!!!
Marco: Star are you okay?
Jackie: You're gonna pay for this Whore!
( Marco walked me to the bathroom so I could wash up.)
Marco: Do you want to go to the nurse?
Star: Yeah I still feel kind of sick
Marco: Here I'll wait for you in the hall

Nurse: Hi what's the problem sweetie?
Star: Well I felt sick all week and I threw up today.
Nurse: Aw I'm sorry to hear that. Let me take your temperature.
Star: Okay
Nurse: Well you don't have fever. Do you feel any pain in your stomach?
Star: No I've just been nauseous
Nurse: Have you been having any frequent headaches or fatigue?
Star: Now that I think about it Yeah.
Nurse: Okay. So we're both women and this is a safe place and you don't have to answer to every question if you don't want to.
Star: Okay
( I have no idea what she was going to ask me but she seemed somewhat worried.)

Nurse: Okay Star. Have you had any excessive bleeding during your period or have you missed it?
Star: I think I missed it but I don't know how long when.
Nurse: Ok that's fine. Now are you sexually active? Remember you don't have to answer.
Star: Um no I'm not
( Oh My Gosh. Does she think I'm pregnant?)
Nurse: Ok. Would you like some Advil or a Tylenol?
Star: N-no thank you
Nurse: Alright but if you feel sick again just come back
(What if I am pregnant I should probably tell Marco.)

Marco: So how'd it go?
Star: Umm let's go somewhere safe
Marco: Okay...
Star: *takes a deep breath* Marco I think I might be... Pregnant

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