Your Past (Star's POV)

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Writer: This is a longer chapter

{Friday 8:00am}

(My mom and I were awake at this time, I let Marco sleep in because it's way earlier than he usually wakes up.)
Moon: Are you going to be okay today?
Star: Yeah I think so
Moon: Well I'm going to take off from work in 2 weeks so I could stay here with you.
Star: Really?
Moon: Yeah I'm taking 2 months off of work to help take care of you and the baby.
Star: Wow thanks mom I don't think I could do this without you... but I do have a question.
Moon: What is it?
Star: What about school we have to go back next month.
Moon: Oh I already have that handled, I'm going to set up a mini classroom for you two so that you could start online school on the computers.
Star: Will you be our teacher?
Moon: No, I uh have to go back to work after the 2 months but I will hire someone to look after you while I'm out.
Star: Like a babysitter?
Moon: Almost but not quite, Star I've got everything handled. The only thing you should worry about is doing your stretches and eating right.
Star: Okay
Moon: Star I love you okay, I'm going to find a way to figure things out *kisses her in the forehead* bye.
Star: Bye mom

(My mom is working a lot more than she used to and I am kind of nervous, I really wish my mom could stay the whole time when Stella's born. Marco and I have no idea what we're doing.)
Star: *softly* Marco? Wake up
Marco: *groggy* Huh?
Star: I made some breakfast for you
Marco: Wait why are you being nice to me?
Star: Oh shut up, come on hurry and eat I want to set up the crib and bassinet
Marco: Aren't they the same thing
Star: No.. when we first bring her home she sleeps in a bassinet and later on when she's bigger she'll sleep in a crib.
Marco: Ohh , is the smaller one is the bassinet
Star: Right, now come on eat.

(He finished eating and we set up everything. It took a while because Marco didn't want to read the instructions to build the crib but I took the liberty of using it because I want to make sure Stella is safe while she sleeps. Later I changed into my yoga clothes which thank god still fit except for you know my stomach area.)

Marco: What are you doing?
Star: Well my mom and I were reading Mommy blogs about how stretching is a great way to relax and ease your muscles when you're about to give birth.
Marco: What exactly are these "stretches"?
Star: Uhm nothing much really, like normal yoga poses just more adjusted.
Marco: Can I watch?
Star: Okay
(I began stretching and I guess Marco was expecting me to do some sexy pose but I couldn't really catch my balance.)
Marco: Do you need help?
Star: Yes *holds up phone* see I'm trying to do something like this (downward dog)
Marco: It looks kinda easy
Star: Well it isn't anymore. Here help me.
Marco: Ohhh uh okay.
(He helped me with my posing and stretching and it was really fun actually.)

(I took a shower and changed back into some comfortable clothes.)
Marco: I'm hungry
Star: Me too, I'll order us some food I do not feel like cooking.
Marco: Sounds cool what do you want?
Star: Hmm I don't know.
Marco: Seafood?
Star: No, it makes me sick now.
Marco: Here you choose I'm gonna take a shower

(I chose pasta for lunch, what I love carbs now. The food arrived and Marco got out of the shower, we started to eat and then he got a text.)
Star: Uh Marco you got a text message, I left your phone on the couch
Marco: Okay, you know who's it from?
Star: No I didn't see
Marco: *picks up phone* It's a text from my mom
Star: She texted you? What did she say?
Marco: She said "Marco I'm sorry for how things went, your dad and I have gotten a divorce and I really miss you. If you don't want to speak to me I understand but I would really appreciate it if you and Star let me see my grandchild."
Star: Oh uh a-are you okay?
Marco: Well I really don't know. They've been so separate from my life it's like it doesn't really affect me anymore.
Star: Do you want to see her, I- I uh I know your relationship with your father is different from your relationship with your mom.
Marco: My mom is different. She would just follow right behind anything my dad said , at least she finally got a divorce.

(Marco seemed relieved that his parents split. I'm not judging but it does seem a little odd to want your parents to get a divorce.)
Star: Do you want her to meet Stella when she's born?
Marco: I don't know, I don't really trust my mom either...
Star: Okay but remember it is your choice, I don't want to make this decision without your input.
Marco: Yeah I understand where you're coming from... it's just when I was younger my life was simpler you know.
Star: Yeah I know.
Marco: For me, when I was younger believe it or not I was on the honor roll and my parents would always come to my award ceremonies and stuff like that. When my dad lost his job he just got angry at everyone and my parents would fight but my mom always just seemed to go along with whatever he said, I guess that was her way of ending the arguments.
Star: No wonder your so smart, w-what else happened
Marco: My parents just started acting like different people and never paid attention to my stuff. They stop going to my award ceremonies, they stopped caring about my grades and they just became miserable. I-I guess I ended up like this because of them.
Star: I don't think that's a bad thing. Marco whatever you choose to do about the situation with your mom I won't have any problems.
Marco: Lets talk to her later..
Star: Okay

(He seemed less angry than how he usually talks about his parents. I really Like seeing this side of him.)

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