Safe (Star's POV)

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(I'm so happy that Stella is here I don't know it's like now I have another reason to get up every day. I love her so much she just has the sweetest little cheeks and huge ocean eyes. I was really nervous to be a teen mom but honestly she makes me so proud and I'll do my best for her. I'm also trying to make sure Marco knows more about babies and parenting, I haven't told him this but I think he's scared to get close. I know he wants to be there but there's something else stopping him and I think he's just scared to fail.)

{Monday 11:09am}
(Marco and I were so exhausted so my mom let us sleep in while she watched the baby. I woke up and heard a knock I figured I should answer the door and get back on my feet for a little.)
Star: *opens door* Oh... uh Hello
(It was Marco's mother.)
Angie: Hi Star I came by to see... *looks at her stomach* how you were doing
Star: I'm doing fine w-would you like to come in?
Angie: Sure Uhm did you already have the baby?
Star: *passes her water* Yeah she's sleeping right now though.
Marco: Star who's at the-
Angie: Hi Marco
Marco: Hey.... What are you doing here?
Angie: Well I came by to see how Star was doing on her pregnancy but she told me that she already had the baby.
Star: Should I stay?
Angie: Marco why didn't you tell me my granddaughter was born?
Marco: Let's take this outside she's sleeping.
Angie: Fine
Marco: Star go wait inside
(He told me to wait inside but I couldn't help but listen to their conversation. Hey don't judge me it was regarding our daughter.)

Angie: So when were you going to tell me she had the baby.
Marco: I don't know, the past couple of days were hectic.
Angie: Yeah but a text would've been nice. I asked you if I could be apart of her life and you said yes but you didn't even have the decency of letting me know she was born.
Marco: Okay and I was gonna let you know.
Angie: After how many days? I wanted to know these things but you haven't contacted me in like 3 weeks.
Marco: Sorry I've been busy helping set up her arrival. Could you just come back later?
Angie: No I'm already here, Why won't you let me see her huh? I don't even know what day she was born, hell I don't even know what she looks like.
Marco: Like I said we were busy.
Angie: Really? Well how old is she?
Marco: 5 days old
Angie: For 5 days you didn't say anything. Do you still hate me? Is that what it is?
Marco: What no I don't hate you. The past days were so tiring I just forgot. Could you just stop by later when she's awake.
Angie: You know what that's okay just please let me know.
Marco: Okay.

(When he walked back in he just had this blank face it was almost as if things were normal.)
Star: Is everything okay?
Marco: Yeah... Did she wake up yet?
Star: Umm I don't know, but she has to be fed in a little bit.
Marco: Can I feed her?
Star: Yeah of course.... why didn't you tell your mom?
Marco: I don't think I want her that much involved.
Star: Why not?
Marco: She just stresses me out and I'm already so exhausted.
Star: *hugs him* It's okay, It is your choice.
Moon: Guess who just woke up
Star: Hello! *picks up baby* Good morning sleepy head. How was she?
Moon: She was such a sweetheart she slept all through the night.
Star: That's good. Uh Marco you wanted to feed her right.
Marco: Yeah
Star: Okay first have a seat. *puts her in his arms* Here is her bottle and her bib. Also don't forget you need to burp her.
Marco: How much does she drink?
Star: The whole bottle, see they're tiny.
Moon: Don't forget you have to change her diaper afterwards.
Marco: I have to?
Star: Yeah you have diaper duty *laughs* I'm going to take a shower in the meantime.
Marco: Fine but if she poops it's your job.
Star: Mmhm whatever.

(I took the longest hottest shower ever, it was so calming and it relaxed all of my muscles. I think I was in there for a good 3 hours but honestly I needed it because I don't really trust the hospital showers. When I walked back into my room it was the cutest thing ever. Marco was teaching Stella Spanish, I mean sure she's only a couple days old but it was so adorable.)

Marco: Say Te Amo *cradles baby*
Star: Aww
Marco: Oh your're finally out the shower.
Star: Yeah it was amazing. So you're teaching her Spanish head on?
Marco: I'm only teaching her the basics.
Star: Could you teach me?
Marco: Don't you already know Spanish? You have an A+ in that class.
Star: Well I want to learn from you.
Marco: What do you want to know?
Star: Hmm how do you say "I love my family very much"
Marco: Ahem Okay repeat after me "Quiero mucho a mi familia"
Star: Quiero mucho a mi familia.
Marco: Bueno *puts her in bassinet*
Star: Gracias , Amo mucho a mi novio.
Marco: Yo Amo a mi novia mucho mas.

Star: *kisses him* Can we talk? *closes door*
Marco: I mean we always do but sure.
Star: I've been thinking a lot about this for a while. I obviously don't think I'm ready now but I do want to talk about it.
Marco: Ready for what?
Star: Umm... s-e-x.
Marco: Ohhh for a second I thought you were talking about marriage.
Star: Oh no well not now at least.
Marco: So what about "s-e-x"
Star: I think I might want to have it *panics* but later on okay. Not saying that Stella was a mistake or anything but you know maybe we could try again but safer ways.
Marco: Okay *shrugs*
Star: That's it? Just Okay, you don't have anything else to say?
Marco: Star relax if you want to or you don't it's up to you. I can't make that decision for you.
Star: Okay whew I don't know why I was so nervous to have that discussion *feels phone vibrate*
Marco: I think someone texted you.
Star: Yeah I think someone texted you too.
(We both opened our phones and saw a random message on Instagram)
Star: Do you know who this is? *holds up phone* It's from "Harley Monday"
Marco: I got a text from them too I don't know anyone name Harley.
Star: I think it's kind of strange we both got a message from them. What the hell!
Stella: *cries*
Star: *picks her up* Oh I'm so sorry baby. Marco look on my phone.
Marco: Why is there photos of us in your room?
Star: I don't know but look at the bottom one it's a picture of Stella. I'm scared.
Marco: Yeah we need to find out who's doing this.

(That night I closed my curtains and locked my doors. I couldn't sleep at all I just kept staring at Stella I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to her. The photos were so creepy there were a bunch of them where Marco and I were hugging or kissing. I kept having panic attacks it was like every second I felt like I was being watched.)

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