Whew (Star's POV)

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(I had a really tough time sleeping.
My stomach hurt so bad and it was pain like I haven't had before. I was tossing and turning because of the pain. I could tell Marco was a little worried because he kept peeking at me while he was trying to sleep.)

{Monday 3am}
Star: *groans*
Marco: *wakes up* Babe? Are you ok?
Star: I'm having a lot of pain in my stomach and my back
Marco: *rubs her stomach* Hurts? Like how? Are you nauseous
Star: No it's like tight and cramping, I can't explain it
Marco: You think it has something to do with the baby
Star: I don't know what if I'm having contractions?
Marco: This early? But you're only 7 months
Star: M-maybe I could wait it out *winces in pain* it could just be Braxton Hicks
Marco: *rubs eyes* Axton kicks? What is that?
Star: Braxton Hicks. It's like a hmm like a early contraction, my mom said they come before real contractions but I don't know. It really hurts though
Marco: Didn't your mom say something about counting the contractions apart
Star: Yeah... but it just hurts so much I couldn't focus
Marco: It's ok it's ok but just uh ... just tap me every time you feel pains and I'll count them for you. *puts blanket over her* Try getting some rest.
Star: Okay. Thank you Marco you're a really great boyfriend
Marco: Anything for you babe

(I tried going back to sleep but the pain just got worse. I couldn't even close my eyes for one second without feeling like my back was literally breaking.)
Star: *cries* I don't think I could just sleep through it Marco
Marco: *wipes her eyes* Ok we should tell your mom
(He carried my to my mom's room and she definitely seemed worried so she called the hospital.)
Moon: It's going to be alright Star. We're going to the hospital now.
Star: Okay *holds Marco's hand*
Moon: On a scale of 1-10 how bad is the pain
Star: Like an 8

(We drove to the hospital and got checked in. My nurse finally told us it was just Braxton Hicks. Ughh if this was just a practice contraction then I couldn't even imagine the amount of pain that comes with an actual contraction. I really don't think I'm ready for that.)

(We checked out of the hospital later that morning. I was so exhausted. My mom still had to go to work but Marco is still here with me.)
Marco: Are you feeling any better?
Star: Way better I'm just so hungry
Marco: Here just go lie down in bed I'll order us some breakfast.
Star: Could you carry me to bed?
Marco: Alright lets go baby bump *carries her to bed*
Star: *kisses him* Thank you. I don't think I could've gone through this without you.
Marco: I'll always be there for you.
Star: I know I basically told you most of my life but I don't think I've ever told you about my dad.
Marco: Yeah I kinda noticed you never bring him up
Star: Well my parents split up when I was really young but my dad and I were very close. He just kept coughing and wheezing and I didn't know why. It would go on for days but he played it off as if he was doing alright. Then one day he was supposed to pick me up from school but it turned out he.... uh he died.
Marco: Oh *holds her hand* I'm sorry about your dad
Star: Do you know why I finally told you about him.
Marco: Why?
Star: Well because I still had a connection with my father and I never want to forget he was in my life. No pressure on you but I want you to be that way with our daughter.
Marco: Star I promise. I'll never leave your side and I'll always be in our daughters life. Uhh speaking of which I think we should probably come up with some names

(Oh my gosh I'm almost done with my pregnancy and I haven't thought of a name.)
Star: Yeah we uh we probably should
Marco: I've never had a kid before so you got any in mind
Star: No not really , hmm what about Ophelia
Marco: Uh-uh *shakes head*
Star: Phoebe?
Marco: No
Star: Well I want her to have a name like in the solar system
Marco: Hmm what about Stella?
Star: Stella? I like it what does it mean
Marco: I don't exactly know but it comes from Stellar and that is in the solar system so boom. Plus it has a nice ring to it
Star: Stella Diaz? I-I guess it does

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