Real (Star's POV)

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(I really am worried about Marco but I don't want to pressure him into telling me how he feels. I don't want him to hide things from me but this is different and I completely understand what it's like to not want to talk about it. It is hard watching him feel this way. He eats less, sleeps more and all I want to do is help him but I don't know how.)

{2 weeks later / Tuesday 12:40am}

(Last night I had the most intense aching in my stomach and my back, I was vomiting like crazy.)
Star: M-Marco! *shakes him*
Marco: *wakes up* What's going on?
Star: I-I think I'm having contractions like real contractions.
Marco: Oh shit! Uhm o-okay Just breathe. Where's your mom?
Star: *crying* She's not here, she's shopping.
Marco: Okay okay uh go call your mom and I'll go get the hospital bag. Wait on the couch and see how far apart they are.
Star: Yeah... okay *calls moon* Mom I'm having contractions I need you to come back home now.
(My mom was stuck in traffic so she told me to wait for her.)
Marco: Are you Okay?
Star: *panting* No it feels like the baby is dropping.
Marco: Dropping? Like actually coming out?
Star: N-no it's like she's pushing down on my  cervix. Could you please get me water.
Marco: Okay *gives her water* Uh I don't want to embarrass you but I think you just peed yourself.
Star: *panics* I didn't pee, m-my water broke!
Marco: Here I'll go get you a towel. *hands her towel* just uh sit on it until your mom gets back.
Star: Marco I'm scared i-it's real this time and I'm not ready. *cries*  Everything hurts and it's getting worse by the second.
Marco: *rubs her back* It's gonna be okay this will be over in a matter of time. I got you  *hugs her* just relax.
Star: *cries* I'm trying to but I can't. We need to go to the hospital.
Marco: Um uh how far apart are the contractions.
Star: 30-35 minutes. But they're just getting stronger each time.
Marco:  I'll call your mom to see how far she is. Go wash up and change your clothes.
Star: I need help.
Marco: Okay *walks her to the bathroom* here's some clothes.
Star: *winces in pain* Thank you

(By the time I got washed up my mom finally arrived. When we got to the hospital I was all set up and the only thing we could do now is wait. It was becoming more crazy to me that Marco and I are about to have a child. Marco was being really calm and soothing my nerves and I'm so happy we're doing this together.)

Moon: Are any of you hungry? I could go downstairs and bring back some food.
Marco: No thank you.
Star: I'm hungry I'll just text you what I want.
Moon: Okay. Also let me know when the doctor comes back or if anything happens.
Marco: We will.
Star: This is taking so long. I just want to hold her already.
Marco: Yeah I'm so tired right now.
Star: Really? You woke up a couple of hours ago.
Marco: I'm just tired a lot lately.
Star: I noticed. Marco what's wrong?
Marco: What do you mean?
Star: You seem out of it like you're not eating anymore and you sleep so much. I want to be there for you but I can't if I don't know what's wrong. Whatever it is you could tell me.
Marco: *sighs* I don't know what's wrong okay... I really don't know. I can't eat anymore and sleeping just seems like my only escape.
Star: Escape from what? *holds his hand*
Marco: Everything I guess. When I'm stressed I just sleep it off. All of this is too much and I thought I was ready but the truth is I'm not.
Star: You're not ready? Marco you could've told me.
Marco: I didn't tell you because I love you. Star I love you so much and I don't want to be without you. I have to man up and be there for you and our daughter a-and I want to. It's just everything is moving so fast and I feel like it's all my fault.
Star: *tears up* It's not your fault okay. We both made our choices together. I know it seems like we're moving too fast but we have to realize this is our lives now, we can't change it. I care about you a lot and you worry me when you act this way.
Marco: I'm sorry *wipes her eyes* this is new you know. I Just want to do the best I can but I feel like I'm failing.
Star: You are doing the best you can and I love you for that. It's new for both of us but we can get through it. *hugs him*

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