It's Over (Marco's POV)

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(I know that Star and I have only been together for a while but it feels like she's my soul mate. I've become so used to having her around and having her help me along the way. Where will I go and what will I do. I didn't know I was causing her this much pain. All I wish is to be back with her and Stella. That's all I want just to live happily with my family. But no it's all Jackie's fault and I'm telling her.)

Marco: *bangs on door*
Jackie: What are you doing back here?
Marco: You won!
Jackie: What are you talking about?
Marco: You won Jackie! Me and Star are over!
Jackie: Okay-
Marco: Now what? Huh? We're done and this is all you wanted, right! What next?
Jackie: Marco Relax.
Marco: Why? I mean you tried your hardest to break us up now what? You tore apart my family and for what? You thought it would make me love you again?
Jackie: I thought-
Marco: Thought What? You ruined the best thing in my life. Just so we could be apart of your twisted game. But what did you earn?
Jackie: I thought you'd find your way back to me.
Marco: Well I'm here! The best player in the game yet you still haven't gotten your prize. Jackie you ruined mine and Star's life and possibly my daughter's as well. W-was that what you wanted?
Jackie: I just wanted you!
Marco: I don't want you! I want my family and you stole it from me. Jackie you Bitch! I can't believe you went this far for absolutely NOTHING!!!!
Jackie: Don't ever call me a bitch. Marco why can't you see I'm the better choice?
Marco: You're not! Star opened my eyes to see that people like you are the lowest of the lowest. The fact that you and I were even together makes me sick!
Jackie: Shut up!
Marco: I'm not done talking-
Jackie: Just shut up already! Okay I've heard enough. But just know I was there for you before anyone. I was the one who helped you when you were struggling and yet you say that Star has helped. Why? Because you knocked her up and you needed a place to stay? Why is she better huh?
Marco: You cheated on me.
Jackie: Because you weren't there for me! I loved you to death and you ignored all that I've done for you. I still love you and you are ignoring the lengths I'd go for you. I wouldn't fucking care if I didn't love you but I do!

(There it is again that word she keeps using. Love how could she possibly love me.)
Marco: But you know we can't be together right? What you've done was horrible and unforgivable and I can't love someone like that.
Jackie: You're right. Completely and totally right. *slaps him* get away from me!
Marco: Fine... oh and Jacqueline leave Star and my daughter the fuck alone.
Jackie: Or what?
Marco: I'll tell the cops what you've done.
Jackie: You know what what Marco, just go back to that bitch okay. Have a good life.
Marco: I wish I could but you ruined that.

{10:57 pm}
(I've been riding around town the whole day. I can't believe Jackie really split us apart. I can't go on with my days without Star or Stella. I need to go back and say something. I put an end to Jackie and now it's my part to fix this.)
Marco: *knocks on door*
Star: Oh it's you... Well your things are already packed up if you needed them.
Marco: My things? Wait what's going on.
Star: Come inside.
(There she was my mom just sitting there with a small grin like she had been waiting for something.)
Marco: Mom? Why are you here?
Angie: It's time for you to come back home.
Star: I think it's best. Plus you can still see Stella whenever you want.
Marco: How come nobody told me?
Star: I tried calling you but it went straight to voicemail.
Marco: M-my phone died.
Angie: Come on Marco it's getting late.
Marco: Bab- Star can I talk to you for a second.
Star: Okay. *walks with him*
Marco: I promised you I'd fix the whole Jackie thing and I did. Star I love you and I want to stay with you and Stella.
Star: I love you too but it's not just Jackie it's everything and I think it'd be better if we just co parented.
Marco: Really so Stella has to grow up with parent who split before she can even speak.
Star: Well we haven't been doing this the traditional way to begin with. Look I just think we need time apart okay.
Marco: Okay but why'd you call my mom.
Star: We're not together you thought you'd still sleep in my bed?
Marco: No of course not it's just I can't live with her.
Star: Your all she has and you can always come see Stella it's only a few blocks away.
Marco: You know what no.
Star: No?
Marco: You are the only person in this entire world who understands me. I told you everything and I've been working my ass off trying to prove myself to you. I've cut people out of my life for you. I can't just look at you as my ex or "co-parent". You're my soul mate. I've made promises to you before but I'm not perfect. I want to be there for you and for our daughter. You guys are the best things that's ever happened to me and I can't just give it up.
Star: *hugs him & whispers* Please don't make this harder than it has to be.
Marco: *sighs* Bye Star.
Angie: Sweetie are you ready to go?
Marco: I'm not going with you. I'm leaving.

(I walked out of Star's house feeling completely empty inside. I feel numb. I can't make her take me back I'm just gonna have to accept it. I need some time to think and just clear my head. So I'm going back to my little cave, at least it feels like home over there. Everything I've ever wanted is just pushing me away. What's wrong with me? I'm the problem... I've caused all of this. I should've just left Star alone, I never wanted her to feel bad.)

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