(Chapter 2) Husbando? Asshole?

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Colleague: It's time for the coffee! (or what you drink).

You were thanking the bloody Satan for just one moment to put your bum into some kinda of chair or even bloody floor and stop talking to toxic customers. Shop was too big and had a floor up with clothes and dressing room, few toys, few bikes.

Shoes were terribly arranged that you wondered how do they even sell them since the winter ones were mixed with summer ones and were really dusty. You could see the spider waving at you.

Hey there little mortal!

Again your thought bout little lucky spider.

Few of you went outside, you greeted the door again trying with all force not to touch them, and of course you had to sit outside near the building at the dirty table looking at the trucks going towards the other fabric of steel. Its really not what you have imagined. But since your country is poor, and workers have no rights here you are.

You just stared at your cup thinking how your life is rather *interesting*. While most of others decided that they want to have kids, be a damn grown up's , you were still sleeping with your (favorite teddy, whatever u sleep with), watched cartoons, played games, dressed rather different than grownup people. Actually you were too lazy to care about life's challenges except that you wanted to have your money at the side for some crazy ideas or damn college you wished you finished.

Few older women looked at you, considering should they ask you a question or not, laughing at each other for weird reasons and you thought you were weird.

"So how do you like it here?"

Older woman asked you, she was probably in her 50is and still working, wearing really colorful clothing that didn't match with shoes or anything, and was really tight clothing that made you look away....

"It's fine."

You mumbled trying to drink coffee or whatever you were drinking, and talk less since you really didn't care.

"Your name."

The small woman in her 30is appeared behind you, and you could recognize the lame language she was trying to speak to you.

"Yes boss?"

You said, turning your chair a bit, like for the fuck sake can't I even sit for 10 bloody minutes and rest?

Again your thoughts attacked you.

"You worked with shoes in other shop right?"

"Yeah I did.''

You nodded.

"Then you will work with shoes and clothes. Can you do that?"


You said since you were really confident at your arranging skill of shoes and clothing styles.

But mostly because you liked to dress up those dolls!

After 10 minutes of break (Yes, you have right for 10 minutes cruel), your boss decided to give you job, such as shorting out all shoes from up floor to down floor, meaning you had to carry all boxes alone and sort them all out, get shoes so the customer can see em, etc.

You went upstairs regretting your life decisions and was about to get your boxes when one of the guys shouted at you.

Hey! Move out of the way goddamn!

You looked at the male which was dressed rather normal. You were sure that in this place worked only older women and few other girls...

Greeting Lovely handsome man...

...marry me?...


His clothes were all dusty, he had some boxes in his hands, and green mascara which surprised you. You rarely see people wear mascara, well males...

Mascara guy: What the fuck are you starring at?! Help or move outta way!

You were already annoyed. Hey you thought maybe he is the next love of your life or some anime fan girl fantasy, new husbando lala land fantasy, but then you just moved not even replying and stared into his soul as he went down stairs mumbling under his breath.

Your name: Goddamn motherfu-- idiot**

You cursed the male and took the boxes hating that you even considered him husbando for some future fiction or lala fantasy. Slowly you went down the stairs and put them near the other boxes of shoes.

You looked at the really messed up shoes and how they were placed. Your soul cried. One by one you started throwing them down on the floor while thinking how would you, and where would you put male, female, kid shoes, summer shoes, winter shoes and what not...

Not single woman wanted to deal with that so they left you to do that work all alone, while they took all the customers away from you in order so you can finish your work faster.

It was almost 16h and your second coffee pause. They again called out to you, and you went out.

One older woman was near you and decided to introduce you to all.

I am (Colleague's name) and this are Orihime, Rukia, Ichigo, Renji, Ulquiora...--- She stopped.

'Someone is missing out again.' Said Ulquiorra with his cold voice.

'That fuc* is again doing some shi*"Replied Renji.

"Well if some of you dumb fucks helped me I wouldn't be damn late! "

He yelled.

You stared at him with anger.

' The fuck are you looking at chibi?!"

Oh hell no, you had to put up with sitting with 6 people in the 4 seated car, dealing with shoes and dusty boxes, bloody dirty door but hell no you ain't letting this fucker have it his way.

"You almost pushed me outta way! I could've got hurt dumb fuck!"

Orihime: You two know each other?

Your name: No!

Grimmjow: No!

You both stared at her.

Grimmjow: I don't go and hang out with stupid kids.

Your name: I don't go and hang out with dumb careless fucks!

Rukia: Oi, Oi you two that's enough. Boss doesn't wanna hear bout this shi*.

Renji: It's enough that they are changing the rules, i don't need your stupid moods now Grimmjow!

Grimmjow: You wanna fight--

You stood up and left them. You lost your temper.

Stupid stupid day. 

Low pay, New chance        Grimmjow x Reader (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now