(Chapter 50) I LOVE YOU GUYS

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Inoe collected the cups from the coffee and she could see Grimmjow grabbing Sae wrist. 

"We need to talk."

His voice was serious, gaze sharp and his touch on her hand left after she turned around towards him. Inoe  went inside, seeing you going outside to chase Shiro that wanted to play in the sun. 

"Shiro bad idea."

You grab the child from the outside, being far enough not to hear on their conversation, seeing Grimmjow crossing his hands to the girl, and then pinching the bridge of his nose sighing as he found words to tell her.

You gripped the child in your hands. Feeling of happiness came inside of you, but also of disappointment to why were you feeling like that. It's not fair towards her right?? You didn't mean to waltz in and take him away from her.. nor both of you stated that you are in relationship. Just that you are attracted to each other.

Should you feel like this?

Sarah came for the child, this time child agreeing to go with her since it was feeding time. You walked towards the shop deciding to leave them be, feeling insecurity inside of you too, mixed feelings to weather there is a possibility of two getting back together, even though he clearly explained himself to you, showing you his annoyed side which reminded you that he didn't finish the story of his neck scar or hip scar, that you just kissed him back then making him aroused with need to pull away, but... do you even possess things to keep him stay? You wouldn't force yourself into sex with him, since you weren't feeling ready yet, there was a need in you for it, there was a slight craving for the taste of it and release since you never had it, mostly just some girl time but not enough to satisfy those needs.

You had some customers going inside with you, asking you about shoe section and you were bit grateful that they would at least keep your mind busy, since you couldn't focus on work with dolls and clothes. Your task now was to keep on shoes, check up on them and organize clothes to your liking, dressing up the dolls and cleaning the upper floor.

You sighed as the customers were some boys that seemed close to your age if not a bit younger, and one girl with them too. Seems that she had a crush on one of the boys, with black hair and weird red eyes with dots. Other boy was wearing all orange clothes with circle symbol on his back and weird ninja symbol on his forehead, cheeks having a weird marks as if he was a fox or some kinda of animal, but those blue eyes were beautiful and full of hope.

"I really like your hair."

You mumbled at the girl. She had a short pink hair with green eyes. That combination of hers with red clothes really made her hair stand up even more.

"Thank you!"

She answered with a big smile on her face with slight red blush.

"No problem."

"There you guys are! For the fuck's sake we were searching all over the place for you!"

Guy with weird hairstyle and green outfit said, big brows hidden under the bangs, really weird dark shaped eyes and other male coming after him with another girl.

This guy had a long brown hair, with white eyes, simple white shirt with black pants and sandals, girl had weird buns on her brown hair, pink outfit with green pants and some scrolls on her back.

"Are you guys cosplayers maybe?"

You asked them all.

"Oh, what makes you say that?"

"Because you remind me of someone.."

You scratch your neck.

"Oh no no! We are the real thing!"

Low pay, New chance        Grimmjow x Reader (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now