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Madelyn's life has basically been filled with her father doing drugs, sometimes even abusing her, he's constantly gone, she has to take care of her 7 year old brother. Her mom passed away when she was 9, so 6 years ago. Her brother was only one, her dad was fine for a year after, but then 5 years ago he started doing drugs, often abusing Madelyn, and leaving to go spend most of their money. Madelyn has a job of her own to take care of herself and Jonah, her brother. They still don't get much of everything they need. She can't drive so she walks to her job. She doesn't really have any friends, considering she has other stuff he has to focus on, she's never thought about a relationship, nor really wanted one. She doesn't believe in love.. Not ever since her mom died of Lukeima, and her dad acted like he wasn't effected. She believes if he really loved her, and if love really existed, then he would've been sad like she was, then he wouldn't do the horrible things he does. But she can't help that, she has to deal with everything, and get through it.

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