Chapter 22

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* 2 months later *
Madelyn's P.O.V
It's now February and my birthday, I'm pretty sure Nash is planning a surprise party, where all the boys come, plus Mahogany. He doesn't know it but I overheard him on the phone.

"Hey babe get ready." Nash says, walking into my bedroom.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because it's your birthday, duh." He says, wrapping his arms around me and kissing my cheek.

"Alright." I reply and walk to my closet, grabbing red high waisted pants, and a black T shirt. Nash leaves the room.

I tuck in the shirt, and put on a long cardigan, then throw on some black combat boots. When I finish, I walk into the living room, and Nash is dressed as well.

"Let's go my lady." Nash says, hooking his arm with mine, causing me to laugh slightly.

"And where to, my man?" I ask, trying to be formal.

He laughs.

"To your birthday dinner date with me of course." He replies as he opens the door for me, and I sit.

He closes the door, then walks to his side, getting in and starting the car. He begins to drive, starting the GPS.

"So my man doesn't know his way to our dining?" I ask, trying to hold back my laughter.

"Well do you want to get there fast or slow?" He asks, sassily.

"Fast sounds good." I reply, laughing.

"Exactly." He says, snapping his fingers.

I smile really big, so much my cheeks hurt. Nash makes me so happy.

"Also I should remind you, our 3 month anniversary is in a week." Nash says, smiling, and grabbing my hand, squeezing it slightly.

I look up at him, he has a sparkle in his eye. It's amazing that he actually keeps up with this stuff too. Most of the time it's usually the boy that forgets, but him remembering honestly shows how much he cares, and I love it. I lean over and kiss him on the lips passionately. When I pull away, he looks back at the road.

"What was that for?" He questions.

"You remembering that, shows me you care. I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend. Thank you so much." I reply, smiling up at him.

Nash P.O.V
"Of course I remember, I-" I stop myself.

"I mean you mean a lot to me." I say, smiling.

I ignore the urge I have, to say those three little words...

"You mean a lot to me too." She says.

Yea, but you mean more to me then you even know.

I pull into the cute little diner, and take out the keys, getting out, closing the door and walking to the other side to open the door for her. We both walk into the diner, and take a seat. Soon a
waitress comes.

Madelyn's P.O.V
"Nash! Nice to see you again. Is this the lady you have been telling me about?" A woman I estimate around 55 asks Nash.

"Yes, Crystal it is." He replies quietly, blushing.

"Well hello sweetheart! Nice to meet you." She says, shaking my hand.

"Nice to meet you too, Crystal." I reply, smiling.

"Nash comes here a lot and has told me about you a lot. I treat him like my son." She says, smiling.

I blush. She takes our drink order, then walks away.

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