Chapter 12

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*2 days later*

It's around 1 in the after noon, I've just been sitting on the couch watching Netflix all day. Carter's at a friends house, and his parents are both away on a business trip. I decide to go take a shower, and I run into the bathroom, and grab a towel and washcloth, then wash my hair and body and shave and stuff, then get out, and throw on some white jeans, and a light grey shirt with clouds on it. I blow dry my hair then straighten it. When I walk out I throw everything in the washer and start it. Then I sit on the couch with a chocolate milk, and watch TV taking sips of it occasionally. The door opens and I turn to see Carter.



He walks upstairs and throws his stuff in his room, then comes back down and sits at the counter on his phone. After A few minutes, I look over and see him turn to my way, with an angry look on his face. Oh shit.


My eyes go wide.

Me:"What the fuck are you talking about?"

He runs over and shows me his phone. It's a pic of me and Nash kissing from the night where me and Carter had that argument about me wearing Nash's sweatshirt. I feel a hand across my face, so obviously carter slapped me.

Me:"You can't just keep slapping me."

Carter:"'ME AND YOU WERE TALKING HERE , you basically cheated on me and lied to me."


Carter slams my body against the wall, and whispers in my ear.

Carter:"Get the fuck out of my house you slut."

He picks me up and spins and throws me to the ground. I wince, and get up, then walk to my room, holding my arm which hurts like hell. I feel tears roll down my face as I throw all the stuff I have in my bags and then grab my phone and pillow, and sit down on the bed, and call the only person I can trust right now... Nash. It rings twice then he answers.


Me:"Please come and get me, now."

I say with a shaky voice, I'm now crying uncontrollably.

Nash:"I'm on my way beautiful."

I hear him hang up, I put my phone in my pocket, and hold my arm. I think it's broke. I hear the door open after about 15 minutes, which is fast for Nash to get here considering he lives 25 minutes away. I hear lots of screaming, and then my door opens, and it's Nash. His eyes go wide as he sees me crying. He runs over to me, and wraps me in his arms. He picks me up, and uses his other hand to carry my big bags. I cry into his shoulder, and he sets me down outside beside his car, and throws my stuff in the trunk, he walks over to the passenger door with me, and opens the door for me, I get in, and he walks around to the other side and gets in.

Nash:"What happened beautiful?"

He says looking at me as we are on the highway now. I explain everything to him, and he looks mad.

Nash:"Is your arm okay?"

Me:"I don't know."

I say stuttering, and crying. He turns around and starts heading to the hospital. We get there in five minutes. He signs some papers as I am taken away into a room, they ask me lots of questions and I answer the ones I can. Then they do X-rays, and eventually Nash comes in.

Nash:"Okay, so they should give us the test results in about an hour. Are you okay?"

Me:"I just really don't want to be alive right now."

I say crying. Nash grabs my hand.

Nash:"Don't ever say that again, I need you here, Madelyn. You mean so much too me."

I sigh and look down, not saying anything.

Nash:"Now, I've talked to my mom and she said you can stay with us as long as you want. In fact I talked to Cameron about you moving in with us and Bryant, and he said of course. So when I leave for California, you do too. Also we will have to get you some Cali clothes."

Me:"Thanks so much. It means a lot."

I say and smile at him, then he leans down and kisses my forehead.

Nash:"Anything for you princess."

Me:"What was all that screaming about when you got to Carter's house earlier?"

Nash:"I yelled at him, cause I had a feeling he did something, and punched him, then I asked him where you were and he pointed to your room."

Me:"Oh. Thanks for being so sweet to me, it really means so much."

Nash:"Of course."

He says, and smiles.


(a/n) Another short chapter but it had lots of stuff that happened. Love you guys, and thanks for reading. Make sure to vote and comment. ALSO I DID A DOUBLE UPDATE YASSS💎💋 I just got excited to update. Lol love y'all❤️

XOXO Lauren😘🎀💋

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