Chapter 17

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Cameron's P.O.V
I woke up, and walked downstairs only to see Nash and Madelyn sitting together on the couch, both eating cereal, while watching tv. They have gotten really close and hang out a lot together. They sometimes even fall asleep together cuddling. They act so much like a couple I swear, even if they haven't kissed in a while, from what Nash has told me.

"Well good morning you two." I say causing both of them to look up, and wave.

"Should I invite matt, Taylor, and Dillon over today? Also I think jack and jack are coming in today."

They both nod, smiling.

"Sounds good." Nash says.

I walk to the fridge, grab a banana, and walk back into my room. I pick up my phone and take a bite of my banana. I send a text out to some of the boys telling them it would be fun If they came, and that they should. Then I walk back in the living room, and throw away the banana peeling.

Madelyn's P.O.V
Me and Nash ended up falling asleep cuddling on the couch last night, after watching the movie.

"I'm going to go get ready since the boys are coming over." I tell Nash as I put my bowl in the dishwasher.

"okay." He responds.

I walk down the hallway, and open the closet near the downstairs bathroom, taking out a towel and then a washcloth. I grab a outfit to wear, and walk into the bathroom. Christmas is in about a week. I'm really excited for it, not gonna lie. I need to get all the boys something. I even got a job so I make money. Nash has to drive me there of course. But I don't work until a week after Christmas due to holidays. But anyways, I finish the shower, and step out, changing into black skinny jeans, a light pink sweater, also putting on a necklace with light pink roses around it. I put on a pair of light pink flats, also. Then I blow dry my hair. And leave it in it's natural waves. I apply a little mascara, then walk out. I check my phone and I have a text from Shawn.

'Shawn😊'; Hey! I miss you lots, we have to hang out soon!

I smile at the text.

Me; We really do! I miss you lots too! I'm proud of what your doing though!

Then I put my phone in my pocket, and walk down the hall to see Nash now dressed, and sitting on his laptop.

"Hello. Whatcha doing?" I ask.

"Just editing."

I nod.

"Ya know, you should make a YouTube." He says facing me.

"What? Me? Nooooo!"

"Yes! I would totally shout you out. I think people would love to see your videos, your such a good person."

That causes me to blush, and smile.

"But I'm ugly, I don't need thousands of people seeing my hideous face."

"Madelyn, your not ugly. Your gorgeous, don't ever say that about yourself again." He says, grabbing my hand, and smiling.

"Not really, but thanks. I guess I'll make a YouTube." I say and sigh.

"Yay!" Nash squeals, logging out of his YouTube to help me make one. We discuss the password and everything and once it's set up, he uses the pic of me and him laughing, causing me to smile.

"I love that picture." I tell him.

"It's always been one of my favs." He responds, smiling.

"So what now?" I ask.

He looks at me smirking.

"Time to make a video!" He screams, then gets up running to his room. After about 3 minutes he comes out with his camera and his stand.

"What kind of video exactly?"

"Let's do a introduction video. It'll be funny though I promise. You can also tell some stuff about yourself, if you want of course." He responds. I nod.


He sets up the camera towards us, then makes it where we can see ourselves, and where it's zoomed in perfectly and focused. Then he starts the video, and sits beside me.

"Hey guys, it's Nash and this is Madelyn's page. She's new obviously but I'm her best friend so I wanted to help her start a YouTube channel and I suggested she should."

I wave at the camera, and think about how Nash just talks, not being nervous, so I try it.

"Hey! I'm Madelyn Anderson, I am from North Carolina, but live in L.A. Now. I honestly haven't had the best life ever, I'm not saying how I got to where I am right now, its been a roller coaster ride to here, but now it's amazing. I love living with my best friends. My mom died of cancer when I was young, so I lived with my father and brother In the least to say.. But I want to just use this channel to give tips on stuff, but also do funny video challenges with my friends, mostly Nash and the boys." I say, smiling.

"Yeah so you should subscribe to her, cause she's going to do at least 2 videos a month!" He says excitedly. I nod, and smile.

"I'll try to film a video with Matt, Nash and cam later. I forgot what you guys call them, but it'll be that plus me." I say smiling.

"It's cashew, idiot." Nash says sarcastically, and punches my arm lightly, I jump up, and tackle him. We play fight for a while, and end up laughing, laying beside each other. We hear coughs behind us. And see Matt, Taylor, Jack G, and jack J standing there, awkwardly. I stand up and So does Nash, he walks over and ends the video.

"Hey guys." Nash says, and scratches the back of his neck.

"Hey!" Matt says and smiles.

Jack and Jack wave. Taylor does a peace sign.

"So what just happened there?" Matt asks, laughing.

"We were filming a YouTube video. Nash told me to make a YouTube channel, and finally I gave in, he helped me make one, and we filmed a video for it."

The boys all nod at my response.

"Well I'm going to go call Shawn cause he keeps texting me." I tell them, and walk out.

Nash's P.O.V
I sit on the couch, jack and Jack also sitting beside me, then Taylor and matt sit In the chairs.

"What the fuck is with you and Madelyn, man?" Jack G asks me.

"What do you mean?" I ask, confused.

"You guys clearly like each other. You can tell by the way you act around each other, and look at each other. But your both to damn ignorant to get your heads out of your asses and be together like your supposed to be." He says, rather rudely.

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