Chapter 3

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Madelyn's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning, and walked downstairs. Carter's parents were already gone and I walked downstairs to see Carter sitting there eating cereal. No we didn't have sex, thankfully. But we did end up having a make out session. Yes, it was kind of forced by him but I eventually have in not wanting to have to deal with just being kissed on, it felt horrible and reminded me of the night I was raped.


He says smiling.


Damn this kid is bipolar. He can be angry and force me to kiss him then nice.

Carter:"My friends are coming over tomorrow."

Me:"Oh cool."

Carter:"Well aren't you In a bitchy mood."

Me:"Maybe I'm just confused on why your so nice but then an ass?"

Carter stands there, surprised of my words. He slaps me, and pushes me down. Then bends down over me.

Carter:"Maybe cause I can be. I fucking own you, you slut."

I wince and he kicks me, then walks upstairs in his room and shuts the door. I really hope his friends aren't like this. I stand back up, holding my side, trying to stop the pain. I make my self a bowl of cereal and eat it quickly, while checking twitter and everything. I find some people that went to my school back home. I finish eating and wash the dishes then run back in my room. One of my old friends named Danielle followed me. We used to be close in middle school, but in high school drifted as I started my job and she became popular. I decided to get dressed. I grab a white sweater out of my closet. I hung up all the new clothes yesterday. Then I change into it and a pair of dark skinny jeans. I pick out a light yellow scarf and throw that on too. I took a shower last night, so I probably won't take another one until tomorrow morning before his friends come over. My phone dings and I have a notification from Instagram. A direct message, from Danielle.

I open the pic and it says "You should post a selfie." I laugh cause I've never really taken a selfie, but why not. I stand in front of the window for selfie lighting, like most girls, then smile, and take the pic. I look at it, and one of my eyes look closed. I laugh then delete it, and get in position again to take another one. I smile then take it. It looks good so I download insta size and then put a filter, and upload it. Danielle gave me a shoutout and lots of people from school are now following me, also lots of random people. I look and I have 4,000 followers. How the fuck!?

I guess it's cause carter followed me, and his followers look through his followers and followed me. I thought to myself. My picture gets lots of likes quickly. Wow social media is crazy. I put down my phone and decide to read.


*Next day*

I wake up and walk out to see Mr. Reynolds sitting there.

Mr.reynolds:"Hello! We need to talk."

I instantly get nervous, could Carter have told him what I said yesterday? I instantly regret saying what I did.


I follow him through the living room, into a hidden room. He closes the door. It's a small room with a desk and two chairs..

Mr.reynolds;"So how is everything going?"

Me:"Pretty good. We have become friends right now."

Mr. Reynolds:"Hopefully more later, right?"

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