Chapter 18

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*1 week later*
It's now Christmas, today all the boys are coming to celebrate, I got everyone presents. Me and Nash plan on going to North Carolina in a few days to visit his parents and family for a late Christmas, which it will also be Nash's birthday the day we leave. But we are both super excited for these next few days. I can't believe I've known everyone I do now for about 4 months. It's been amazing and my life has changed so much. It's been four months since I've seen Jonah though, and it really sucks.. I really need to go see him after we get back from visiting Nash's family. Hopefully Nash would come with.

"Good morning Madelyn, and merry Christmas." Nash says walking into my room. I stand up, and hug him.

"Merry Christmas to you too!"

I say, a big smile on my face. I walk into the living room, to see Cameron and Bryant eating Christmas cookies, with milk. Also they have chocolate donuts and milk.

"OH MY GOSH MERRY CHRISTMAS." I say screaming, causing Cameron and Bryant to look up, and laugh.

"I'm so glad I have become so close to you guys, and that I get to celebrate Christmas with you guys. Thanks for everything you have done guys, seriously. Also, GIMME CHOCOLATE DONUTS." I say running towards the box of donuts, and grabbing one. I pour milk and take a bite of the chocolate heaven.

"Your such a loser." Nash says to me.

"Your opinion is irrelevant you whore."

"Hey that's no way to talk on Christmas."

"Oh, your right, sorry Grinch. Cheer up." I say, and smirk. Then I sit down, and Nash rolls his eyes, smiling, and takes a seat beside me, grabbing a donut as well.

"When are the guys gonna be here?" Cam screams across the room, louder then necessary.

"Okay, first that screaming wasn't necessary, and second, around 12." Nash replies, causing me to laugh cause he said exactly what I was thinking.

"Okay Mr. Grier." Cam says sarcastically.

"Idk what to do before the boys come." I sigh.

"Maybe shower. You smell like shit." Nash says.

I roll my eyes, and flip him off, putting my trash away.

"Just kidding you don't stink." Nash replies a few seconds later.

"I'm still going to go shower, I have a feeling there will be lots of hugs." I say and Nash laughs.

Then I walk down the long hallway, grabbing a towel and washcloth, then heading to my room, grabbing some clothes, and heading back in the bathroom, closing and locking the door. I wash my hair and body, shaving everything, then conditioning my hair,
Once I'm finished I stepped out and blow dried my hair, also straightening it when I finished, after it's straight I curl it losely, but not to loose, then throw on my light pink bra, with a tanktop, and then a white cardigan, sliding on some light pink panties to match, and some jeans. I then brush my teeth and put on deoterent, and perfume. Then I walked out, and grabbed my boots, and some kind of long socks, and put them on then out on my boots. I'm all ready for Christmas now. I thought to myself.

"Hey!" I say as I walk In the living room, to see Nash, Cameron, Bryant, Jack J and Jack G sitting there.

"Hey merry Christmas." Jack G says, smiling.

"Yeah Merry Christmas Madelyn." Jack J replies.

I check the time, 11:30.

Wow I spent a lot of time getting ready.

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