Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Nash's P.O.V
I get home, I really wanna apologize to Madelyn. I feel horrible. I walk into the living room, past cam, then towards Madelyn's room. I open the door, and stand there, shocked. All of her clothes are gone, her room is a mess. I see a note on the table and pick it up. As my eyes scan every word, my heart breaks more and more. I can't believe this.

"Oh my gosh." I say , quite loudly.

I walk into my room, throw a lot of clothes in two luggages, and grab my wallet. I grab everything. Then I buy plane tickets, and head downstairs.

"I'm leaving." I say to Cam.

"What? Where?" He asks.

"To see Madelyn. I have to go. She needs me."

"I'm coming with. I know you will need me too." He says.

"Okay. Just hurry. I'm worried." I say breathing heavily.

It's silent for a few seconds, Cam is looking down, then he looks up at me.

"You love her, don't you?" He says quietly after a few minutes.

"What?" I ask.

"You love her. Don't be afraid to love her. Admit she's the only thing keeping you sane." He says, seriously.

I've never thought about it before, but I've felt it.
Yes, I do love her. I love Madelyn. I think to myself..

"Let's go." I say, as he grabs his luggage and I grab mine, we both head out.

***2 hours later***

Madelyn's P.O.V
I'm sitting in the hospital beside my younger brother. He's been asleep the whole time I've been here, so he doesn't know I'm here, but he looks a lot paler. I'm so worried. I should've came and visited him along time ago. I'm such an idiot. I'm sitting here crying, when I lol up to see a knock. It's Cameron.

"Woah! What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I came to visit."

"That was fast." I say, lightly laughing.

"Nash is here too... On his way to a hotel to get us all a room, and get us food." He says.

"Oh.." I say.

Cameron hugs me, and tries to comfort me.

"It'll be fine." He whispers, in my ear.

I sit on his lap, and cry in his chest.

"I look horrible too. And Nash is gonna be here." I say quietly.

"No. Your beautiful."

"No I'm not." I say lightly punching him.

"Yes you are. If you weren't I wouldn't be here right now, neither would nash." He says, looking in my eyes.

Then he starts leaning forward, our lips collide, and our lips move in sync.

Nash's P.O.V
(This part is going to be when Cameron was on his way to the hospital and then when Nash was doing the other stuff.)

I get In a cab, who brings me to the Hampton in Oregon, about 20 minutes away from the hospital Jonah is at. I book a room with two beds, and a pull out one on the couch incase Madelyn is still mad at me and wants her own bed.. I figured I would go get us all Chick Fil A since I know it's one of Madelyn's favorite places, and she is probably hungry from flying and being sad. I order and get a taxi, he gets to the hospital in 15 minutes, I pay him the $20 and get out.

"Thanks" I say as he drives away.

I walk into the hospital.

"Room for Jonah Anderson?" I ask the lady at the desk.

"Room 64. Down the hall that way." She says pointing to the hall on the left.

I walk down the hall, and when I get to the end, I fix my hair, then walk in, and almost drop the food when I see cam and Madelyn kissing.

"What the actual fuck?" I basically scream.

They pull apart, Madelyn's eyes going big and she looks down. She moves towards me, and I push her away.

"You slut.. I came here because I knew you were in a bad place and needed me. I was even gonna tell you I love you, I Fucking love you for gods sake. But obviously you don't care your to caught up in kissing my best friend. Forget you, don't ever talk to me again." I say, angrily. I shove the food in her face, then walk out. I run out the hospital, tears streaming down my face. My heart feels like it's been tore out and stepped on.

A/n ... hey guys! Sorry it's been so long since I have updated. I'll update again this week. Love you all so much, I have a lot planned for this book. Sorry this chapter is so freaking short. You guys deserve so much longer. I'll make the next one a lot longer.

Xoxo Lauren😘🎀💋

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