Chapter 1

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Madelyn's P.O.V

It's a Thursday afternoon, a usual after school afternoon, I don't have work today, right now I'm home alone with Jonah.(Like most of the time) He is in 2nd grade, and I'm helping him with his multiplication homework, while making us both grilled cheese for dinner.

Jonah:"Sissy what's six times four?"

Me:"It's twenty four."


He looks downs and writes, his blonde hair spiked up forming a Mohawk. He always likes it when I do that for him. He got his blonde hair from my mother, I have light brown hair, like my father. Me and Jonah both have emerald green eyes.

Jonah:"I'm finished!"

He says jumping off the tall blue stool, and running to grab his black nike backpack, and stuffing his homework in it, and his pencil.

Me:"Thats good cause so is dinner."

I say smiling, and he runs back to the stool and climbs back up and sits down. He's about 4'2, so kind of average for his age. I'm 5'4, and 15, so I'm not very tall at all. I put his grilled cheese on a plate, and pour a glass of apple juice for him. I set it down and he picks up the apple juice, taking a sip. Then sets down the cups and starts to eat. I sit down with my grilled cheese, and grab a bottled water.

Jonah:"Do you think Daddy will ever change?"

I look down and sigh, Jonah has no idea that our dad abuses me at least two or three times a week, all he knows is he goes and does bad stuff. I don't tell him what cause he's still a little to young to be talked to about drugs.

Me:"I don't know, I hope so sweetie."

I say and pat him on the back. He finishes his food, as well as do I. I clean the dishes and put them up, then walk down the small hallway to Jonah's room, which has lots of super man toys and the hulk all over the room.

Me:"let's go get a shower, Jonah. It's 5, and you have to go to bed at 7 so I want to give you time to play with your toys."

Jonah runs in the bathroom, I grab him a pajama shirt and pants, it's winter time so it's pretty chilly. I follow him in the bathroom, and shut the door. I grab a towel and washcloth, then he undresses and I turn on the water, he steps in and I close the curtains, and sit on the toilet. He always talks to me while he's in the shower, cause if not he says he feels lonely.

Jonah:"How was your day at school?"

Me;"It was okay, we had a pep rally."

Jonah:"For what?"

Me:"A football game."

Jonah:"Cool. A guest speaker came in at ours today, he talked about to always be safe on Halloween."

I laugh. Halloween is in a week, so I see why they came to talk to him about it.

Me:"Well that's interesting! What do you want to be this year?"

Jonah:"Uhhh I'm not sure! How about iron man?"

Last year he was the hulk. He always dresses up as a super man.

Me:"Sounds cool, we can go get your costume Saturday. Deal?"


He opens the curtains and I hand him his towel, then turn off the water.

Jonah:"I gotta get dressed."

I hand him his clothes, and a pair of undies. He puts them on, then I blow dry his hair. He hugs me, then runs into his room to play with his toy cars. I step out of the bathroom and into the small laundry room, we don't have a dryer, so I usually hang the clothes and let them dry. I start folding the clothes that are dry, and put them up, and throw the dirty clothes in the washer, I walk in the living room, and watch TV. About 7:10 I walk into Jonah's room and tuck him in.



He hugs me night and lays back down. I go into the kitchen and grab a small bag of chips, and sit down, eating them. I laugh at the TV, after a few minutes I hear a car pull into the driveway. Which freaks me out, my dad usually stays gone until Saturday then leaves again Tuesday.


I stand up and throw the chips back in the cabinet. My dad opens the door, I can tell he's in a good mood.

Me:"Hey dad."

I say putting on a fake smile. Two men walk in after I say that, both looking very buff.

Me:"Who are they?"

Dad:"Go get your shit together, now."

Me:"What? What's going on?"

Dad:"I gambled you, they gave me 60,000$ in change for you, so your leaving."

Me:"What? How could you do this? What's going to happen to Jonah?"

Dad:"Don't worry about Jonah. He will probably be taken to an orphanage."

I start to tear up.

Dad:"Well move your lazy ass, go get packed!"

I run to my small room, I grab my mothers suitcase and throw all my clothes in it, as well as some pictures, my iPod, my hair brush and tooth brush, and my extra pair of shoes. I also grab my moms necklace, and lastly the two fashion necklaces I own. I zip up my bag then walk out, I run into Jonah's room and wake him.

Me:"Jonah, I am being taken somewhere. I'm not sure where. Dad gave me away, your most likely going to be taken away too, except somewhere different. Just know I love you. If you ever want to call me in the future, my number is Written in your spider man book. Please call me whenever. I love you and I will miss you so much. Stay safe and stay in this room for now, listen to what dad says, and be good for your foster parents."

He nods and is crying with me. He stands up and hugs me, he kisses my cheek and his little hands hold my face while he kissed my cheek. I give him a high five, then lay him back down.

Jonah:"I'll miss you sissy."

Me:"I'll miss you too."

Jonah:"Stay safe."

Me:"You too honey, and make sure to stay in this room for now, and go back to sleep. Okay?"

He nods. I kiss his forehead then walk out, and throw on some flip flops.

Me:"okay I'm ready."

Dad:"These men will take you to North Carolina, where you will be staying."

We currently love in Virginia. In a very small town.


He waves bye to me, I can tell he doesn't even care he won't see his daughter ever again. What a sick bastard. The men open the door and one pushes me in there. They slam the door shut, and get in the front seats. I sit there with my mouth shut, to afraid to ask questions, my baggage is in the back, and I wanna get my phone out to call someone, but I have no one I can rely on. I sigh quietly, and look out the window. One of them cough and speak up.

Man:"My name is Carlton, and your going to be taken to A house where you will live, the man who sent us to buy you has a son, he basically bought you to try to get you to date his son, if you tell his son your there and he bought you, we will have some problems, so just keep your fucking mouth shut and act normal. Okay?"

I nod quickly, not saying anything.

Carlton:"Good, now you should know the sons name is Carter. Carter Reynolds."

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