Chapter 13

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Madelyn's P.O.V

The doctors came in and said my arm was fractured, not that bad just a simple fracture. They want me to wear a thing that wraps around my neck and I put my arm through it for a week.

Me:"Thank you."

I say to the doctor as we leave, I payed the $70 myself with an argument from Nash. Now I only have $55 from what I brought.

Nash:"Let's go to my house."


We walk to the car, and he opens the door for me, I sit in and he helps me buckle up since I hurt my arm I use the most. Then he stops in front of my face before closing my door and kisses me, then pulls away and smiles and closes my door then goes to his and gets in.

Nash:"So were going to have to explain everything to my mom and stuff when we get there. She already said you can stay and stuff but I didn't tell her the whole story."


We eventually get to his house, and I unbuckle, and he opens the door for me, then we walk in through the front door. Immediately I feel arms wrapped around my legs, and I see Hayes and Elizabeth running in.

Sky:"I missed you Maddi. Are you okay?"

She can't say my name correctly so she calls me Maddi. It's adorable.

Me:"Yea, I'm gonna be okay, and I missed you too."

I say bending down and hugging her. Then I stand back up when Hayes hugs me.

Hayes:"I'm glad your okay, what happened?"

Elizabeth:"Woah guys calm down she just got here, let her take a breath and sit down."

I smile at her.


I take a seat on the couch, Nash sits beside me, and sky sits on Nash's lap, then Hayes on the other side of me, and Elizabeth in the chair in front of the couch.

Elizabeth:"Okay, can you explain what happened?"

Me:"I guess carter had seen a pic of me and Nash kissing on twitter from the other night, and got mad, he called me a bunch of horrible names, and kept hurting me, and told me to get out."

Elizabeth:"Wow. I'm so sorry honey, come here."

She stands up and I stand up and hug her. Then I pull away.

Elizabeth:"You are welcome to stay for however long as you want! Act like your at home, and I'm going to treat you just like one of my children."

Me:"Thank you so so much, it's nice to kind of have a mother figure considering mine died when I was young of leukemia."

Elizabeth:"Your very welcome honey, I'm going to cook dinner, should be ready in 40 minutes."

Nash:"Thanks mom."

Elizabeth:"Of course."

She walks in the kitchen.

Nash:"Hey hayes, come with me outside To get her stuff."


They both head outside and I sit there with Skylynn.

Skylynn:"Let's watch Dora."


We turn on Dora, and she laughs at a few things, then the door opens, and it's Nash and Hayes bringing my stuff in. They go upstairs and set it on his bed, and I smile up at Nash who stands over me and Skylynn.

Skylynn:"Nash go! She's my best friend."

She say hugging me, and putting her little arms around me.

Me:"Yeah! Go on Nash."

I say sticking out my tongue with her and laughing.

Nash:"Okay, I guess I'll just go watch Netflix and Cuddle with Hayes."

He says and I laugh.


With that, Nash runs upstairs, and it causes her to laugh out of control. I laugh with her, her laugh is contagious and she's so stinkin adorable. Her being so silly reminds me of Jonah, man I miss him. If I moved to Cali with Nash I would be close to Jonah.

Elizabeth:"Dinners ready!"

Skylynn:"Aww mommy we were watching Dora!"

She says as her mom walks over and picks her up.

Elizabeth:"We can all eat together then you guys can continue to watch Dora. Deal?"


She helps Skylynn make a plate, and I stand in the kitchen, then I feel hands wrap around my waist, and I look to the side and it's Nash. He kisses my cheek, and then does a big smile with his eyes closed, and pulls away from me.

Skylynn:"Ew cooties."

She says, causing everyone to laugh.

Hayes:"Cooties are gross aren't they?"

Skylynn nods her head. Nash looks down at me and winks.

Nash:"Cooties are fun."

Skylynn shakes her head and opens her mouth and stick her finger in it, signaling she is 'throwing up.'

Elizabeth:"Okay guys enough about cooties, get your plates."

She says laughing. We all get plates and get whatever we want on it, then sit at the table. Then we all join hands, and Elizabeth says the prayer.

****IF THIS WILL OFFEND YOU, cause you don't believe IN GOD PLEASE SKIP...*****

Elizabeth:"Thank you dear Lord for our food, I'm very blessed for the amazing week we have had, and I just want to thank you for everything you bless us with each and every day, thank you for watching over Madelyn so that she's okay, and safe now. Now let everyone stay safe and for us to enjoy this food. Amen.

Everyone :"Amen."


Then we all begin to eat, everyone talking about Their day. Skylynn explains how her day at kindergarten was.

Me:"Well you already know how my day went."

I say and point to my arm. Everyone does a little laugh.

Skylynn:"I'm just glad my best friend is okay."

She says and stands in her chair, and hugs me.

Me:"Why thanks Sky. I'm glad you had a good day at school."

I'm really happy to be with such caring people, and to know I'm safe for once.


(A/N) I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I'm going to try to update again soon I promise! I love you all so so so much. Make sure to vote and comment❤️

XOXO Lauren😘🎀💋

The Gamble » N.g.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora