Chapter 6: The Map of the Galaxy

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Chapter 6

A/N: The short original version portrayed Silvilla as stupid guys, which I actually didn't intend, but nvm lol. So now there are loads of flashbacks of what had happened in Chapter 2. The horrific mention of character death(s) are also implied, like again (I'm truly sorry Diego for making you die twice >_<)...In fact, they are implied in the whole book so next time there may not be a warning (forgive me...) 

Three Spaniards had just arrived at the top floor of the Yellow Section, a quiet area where stood the observation tower of the Axuko Spaceship.

"Wow, I really can't believe we made it to the top of this tower," David Silva let out a satisfied smile, breathing hard, "Remember they stopped chasing us since we had arrived to the third floor of this freaking hundred-storey tall tower? Guess they didn't expect that we would run up to a dead end, otherwise there must be some terrible trap around here waiting for us."

"Trust me. It's so quiet here so there won't be a trap, as we always say that the safest place is the most dangerous place," Villa replied with a pat on Silva's shoulder, "The more it seems safe and easy to reach, the more our enemies become cautious."

"Yeah, although it's exhausting, I don't regret running up to here," Xavi panted, while at the same time was proud of being an athlete, "But the main problem is how we are going to get down. Someone might be coming to help us, or else, those creatures are waiting us down there."

"If I were you, I would rather be convinced that our planet is doomed," Speaking of those creatures, Villa recalled what had happened not a long time ago, when they were still on the panel, seeing their panicked teammates running into different sections on the spaceship, splitting into groups.

"Oh mother..." Villa wheezed, leaning at the closed front door of the yellow section, "Silva? Capi? Nando? Where are you guys?"

"Villa, is that you?" Xavi's voice uttered from the other end of the corridor, "Silva and Diego are here as well."

"Love you, Xavi," Villa let out a relived sigh until an army of Axuklian burst in from the front door.

"Run, to the stairs!" Xavi's shriek echoed throughout the corridor as shots of laser slammed right onto the metal walls of the narrow path.

"Diego!" Silva screamed at the sight of Diego Costa collapsing at the back of the team with a hole pierced by the laser in his chest.

"No, please don't do this, Diego..." Kneeling next to Diego's lifeless body, Villa begged with tears welling in dark eyes, "Stay with me..."

However, murdering one never seemed to be enough for those pitiless creatures. One of the four preys had fallen, but the chase was not given up.

"Run, Villa!" A warning from Xavi attempted to pull Villa away from sorrow, "They are right behind you!"

"He is my teammate!" Villa bellowed with Diego in his arms, "Not only for Atletico. He's also our teammate!"

"It's too late, Villa. I'm sorry."

It's too late, Villa. It's too late...

"Hey," Silva gave an encouraging pat on Villa's shoulder, "You okay?"

"Yeah," Leading himself back into the reality from his flashbacks, Villa nodded blankly but with a grateful smile, "Thanks bro. I guess I need food, that's all."

"You're right," Xavi agreed, "We all need food, but we can't find any."

Observation Room, the sign at the end of the stairs read.

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