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There was barely any light outside when Jason came in to wake me up.

"What the fuckk? Go away," I groaned, as I pushed myself further into the pillows.

"Watch your language, Jessica!" Jason exclaimed, as if he was actually appalled. 

"Leave me alone," I grumbled.

"Get up and start getting ready. We're leaving in an hour whether you're ready or not," he warned me, before leaving "my" room.

I groaned and slowly pulled myself out of bed. I checked my phone to see that it was only 6:20. What kind of psycho was my brother?

I put on black leggings and a cropped top that was a v-strap in the chest area and showed off some cleavage. I put my hair into a ponytail and walked to the kitchen to see that my brother was dressed in black dress pants and a light blue button-up. He definitely had a nice bod. 

He turned around to look at me and gaped. 

"What?" I snapped.

"What are you wearing?"

"Clothes? What are you wearing?" I mocked.

"You are not wearing that. Go and change," he ordered. 

"There's nothing wrong with this, Jason! Your girlfriend was showing her body off more than me yesterday," I argued.

Jason's face flushed from anger. 

"Don't talk about her like that. And she's of age, she doesn't have to go to a private school and abide to a dress code like you."

"I'm going to a private school?" I echoed, surprised. No one had told me that.

"Yes, you are. I work at a private school and I'm not going to have you get dress coded on the first day."

He pushed past me to walk into his/my room and rummaged through my suitcase.

"What are you doing?" I whined. "I'm not changing!"

He lifted a red, long-sleeve shirt and pushed it into my hands.

"Yes, you are. Now."

I threw the shirt onto the bed, and looked him square in the eyes. 

"No, I'm not."

"Jessica. Do not test me," Jason growled.

"Jason. Do not test me," I mimicked. 

Jason's breathing grew heavier as we continued to glare at each other.

"Give me your phone." he ordered.


"Give me your phone."

"No!" I yelled, hiding my phone behind my back as Jason tried to take it out of my hands.

Jason ripped the phone out of my hands and pocketed it. "You can have this back when you decide to show me some respect and listen." He walked out of the room, as I just stared in disbelief, wondering what had just happened.

"Jason! Give me back my phone!" I shouted, following him.

"Change your shirt."

"No! That's not fair!" I argued. 

"It's perfectly fair, Jessica. You want something, I want something. I'll give you what you want if you give me what I want."

He went back to making breakfast and ignored me as I stomped back to the room to change. I came back out after a few moments, furious.

"Happy now?"

"Lose the attitude," he growled.

I bit my lip back, and stopped myself from asking 'or else what?'.

"Can I have my phone back now?"

"After school," Jason said, placing 2 plates of eggs and toast on the counter and taking a seat.

"What? Y-You said.. I listened to you!"

"But you're still not respecting me. You don't need it in school anyways, you can have it back after school." 

"That's not fair!" 

Jason sighed and rolled his eyes. "Life isn't fair, Jessica. Just eat your breakfast and don't make me want to keep your phone for even longer."


We arrived at the school at about 7:40. Classes didn't start until 8:30.

Jason lead me to the Vice Principal's office. Her name was Ms.Burchell, and she was a slightly overweight, cheerful lady, probably in her mid 40's.

"You must be Mr.Morris's younger sister! So lovely to meet you, sweetie!" she gushed.

I gave her a tight smile before looking over to see Jason glaring at me.

"What?" I hissed.

"Excuse her manners, Ms.Burchell. She's going through a rough time with the passing of our parents," Jason lied.

I opened my mouth to argue but Jason quickly moved over and pinched the side of my stomach. Ms.Burchell didn't notice and kept on yapping.

"Oh yes, I can only imagine," she said, sympathetically. "We have plenty of counselors at our school, dear. I can assign counselling time into your schedule if you'd like?"

"I'll pass."

Jason clenched my shoulder, hard.

"We'll give it some thought, Ms.Burchell. I have Jessica's old school schedule and transcript here," he said, handing her a neat stack of papers. 

"Great! I'll get started on her schedule and find someone in her class to show her around!"

"Sounds good," Jason grinned. I wanted to puke, looking at how fake he was acting.

Jason turned his gaze on me, and it instantly hardened.

"Behave, alright?" 

"I'll see," I replied. 

"And I'll also see about giving you your phone back," he gritted through his teeth.

I groaned and looked down in defeat. Jason waved to Ms.Burchell and left the room.

Ms.Burchell tried to make small talk for a few minutes, but I was not having it. They were mostly dumb questions, like "do you like your new place?", "where did you move from?", "how has the adjustment been?", and yada yada ya. She spent the rest of the time working on my schedule in silence. 

It was about 8:15 when she finally finished registering me into the system. 

"All done! Here is your schedule, sweetie. I'll go see if I can catch anyone to show you around," she said, before bustling out of the office. 

I stayed put and examined my schedule. I had A.P English first block, Calculus in second, a study block in third, lunch, and then Chemistry. I was good at English, but that was the most of my ability. I was pretty crappy in everything else.

Ms.Burchell returned with a familiar face. It was goofy-smile-dude from the park.

"Jessica, this is Ben. He'll be showing you around."

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