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"Jason, I've gotten three spankings in the last two days! I can't take anymore," I whined, as we stepped into the apartment building's elevator.

"Then you should learn to behave," he sternly said.


"Stop, Jessica. Enough whining. Do not make me more angry and disappointed in you than I already am," Jason interrupted.

I furiously looked away from Jason, my eyes watering. I hated to know that I had disappointed someone, even if they were righteous jerks like Jason.

"Stop sulking, and let's go," he ordered, as the elevator opened.

Jason lead the way to his apartment and opened the door. 

"Alena's not home right now, so you can go and wait for me in the bedroom," he instructed, tossing his keys and laptop onto the kitchen counter.

I let out a loud groan as I walked over to his bedroom. 

I was expecting to see very obvious signs that Alena had been sleeping over (i.e, a bra/pantie on the ground) but to my surprise, the room was just as tidy as I'd seen it the first time I'd come in.

I only had to wait about five minutes before Jason came in.

"Now, are you ready to tell me who you went off campus with today?" 

"Jason, I really don't see how it's your business."

"I'm telling you it is," he growled. "Now, are you going to tell me before or after your spanking?" 

"Neither. I am NOT telling you!" I shouted.

Jason pressed his lips into a thin line, probably trying to calm himself down. "Fine. Bend over the bed."

"No, Jason!" I yelled, as Jason took off his belt.

"Jessica, I know being held down freaks you out, so go over the bed before I force you to," he threatened.

"Jason, this isn't fair! You're spanking me for no reason!" I argued, tears spilling out.

"I've explained my reasons multiple times. Tell me who you left campus with and what you did, and I'll put the belt away."

I panicked. Was the fight really worth it?

"Fine. Eric. I left with Eric," I admitted, angry at him for winning.

"Eric Cheng?" Jason asked, his glare hardening.

"Maybe. I-I don't know his last name," I mumbled.

"How do you know him?"

"He's in my Calculus class," I sighed.

"Great. As if you could really use another distraction," Jason sighed, running his hand through his hair.

I frowned at this remark, but kept my mouth shut — as Jason still had the belt in his right hand.

"What did you guys do?" he asked.

"We just went out for lunch, Jason! Can you please stop making such a big deal out of everything?" 

"A big deal?" Jason angrily repeated. "Really? Skipping classes goes on your permanent report, Jessica! Do you not understand how serious that is? Why aren't you the slightest bit responsible? And do you even realize how that makes me look in front of the administration? The fact that my sister is running around, punching people, skipping classes — and I don't have a single clue — how do you think that makes me look?"

"I didn't ask you to send me to your dumb school," I shot back, hurt from the lecture I was receiving.

"But I did," he stated firmly. "And like I've said many times before, this world does NOT revolve around you, Jessica Reigne. You will not hang out with Eric, and you will not ever skip again. Understand?"

I stayed quiet, refusing to give in.

Jason tossed the belt onto the bed and took a seat beside me.

"Get over my lap," he instructed.

"What? No! You said if-if I tell you who I went with you wouldn't spank me!" I exclaimed, getting off the bed.

"No, I said I wouldn't use the belt. Which I'm not. But you still need to understand that you can't go around skipping classes. Which is why I'm telling you to get over my lap."

"No!" I shouted, before opening the bedroom door and bolting out of the apartment.

"Jessica!" Jason yelled behind me, as I ran for my life.

I quickly ran into the elevator as it was closing and jammed the buttons to go to Elliot's apartment. I sprinted as the door opened and started banging on Elliot's door.

"Woah, woah, woah! What's going on?" Elliot asked, as he opened the door. 

I pushed past him and quickly slammed the door shut, locking it.

"Hey, are you alright, babe?" 

Elliot looked at me as I panted for air. 

"N-No... Jason... said.. h-he.. wouldn't s-spank... b-but," I gasped. 

Elliot quickly passed me a water bottle.

"Shhh, calm down," he murmured, rubbing my back.

Elliot let go of me as he got a phone call.

"Hello? ..... Yeah, she's with me.... Oh.... Alright, I will."

He ended the call and placed the phone on the counter.

"Running away from a spanking. Really?" he asked, raising an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed.

"He said he wouldn't a-a-and then he did!" I stammered, before bursting into tears.

Elliot's eyes widened as I started sobbing.

"Okay, okay! It's okay, hun!" he awkwardly comforted, enveloping me in a hug.

He effortlessly lifted me up, and carried me over to the couch as I continued to cry on his shoulder.

"It's alright, sweetie." 

"N-No! He said i-if I t-told him the t-truth he wouldn't s-spank me a-and t-then I did and h-he still w-wants to sp-spank me!" I sobbed, as Elliot held me in his muscular arms.

"He doesn't want to spank you, baby, he just thinks it's the only thing that'll make you follow the rules," Elliot gently explained, while trying to wipe my tears. "Just focus on breathing, alright?"

He took my right hand and put it on his chest, instructing me to follow his breathing.

After a few minutes, I was finally a bit calmer. I felt pretty embarrassed for turning into such a big baby in front of Elliot.

"I'm f-fine," I hiccuped, scooting away from Elliot.

Elliot watched me for a few minutes, in silence.

"He wants you to be safe, baby, that's all. He told me about you leaving campus today, and you have no idea how worried he got when he couldn't find you," Elliot softly said.

"Fine, but he said if I told him the truth about who I went with he wouldn't spank me, and I did but he still says I deserve it!"

"Alright Jessie, I'll talk to him, but you can't run away like this again, okay?"

"Okay," I mumbled, wishing that Elliot would just stop lecturing me and hug me again.

"You wanna go to the bedroom and take a nap? You look tired."


I got up from the couch to leave, but not before Elliot stopped me. 

"I love you, hun," he said, kissing my head as he embraced me again.

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